Wasserman-Schultz Hit With Class Action Lawsuit For Rigging

Bernie Sanders (left) and smug,
corrupt, election rigging Hillary Clinton (right)
Year, Florida congresswoman and Democratic National
Committee chair, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz,
attended the Grammys with fellow member of Congress,
Sheila Jackson Lee.
They were slammed as corrupt for doing so by many on social
networking (The Public Slams Democrats In Congress For Attending The Grammy
Awards In Twitter Backlash).
Yesterday, Wasserman-Schultz's corruption came to ahead,
when she was forced to tender her resignation, after Russian
government hackers exposed her and the Democratic Nation
Party, via a hack to their computer systems.
whistleblower website Wikileaks, released thousands of
emails exposing the corruption, lies, deceit and treachery
Wasserman-Schultz and others have been disgracefully
engaging in, via an unethical conspiracy to sabotage and
destroy the campaign of Bernie Sanders, who was Hillary
Clinton's top rival for the nomination. Sanders, who was the
far better candidate, saw his bid for the presidency
subjected to dirty tricks, lies, smear campaigns and voter
disenfranchisement by Clinton and company. Emails reveal
Sanders was also secretly being mocked for being a "secular

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Political party chairs are supposed to be impartial.
However, Wasserman-Schultz is so corrupted by the Clintons,
who promised her political fame and fortune, she secretly
conspired with them to get rid of Sanders in very unethical
and unseemly ways. Breitbart stated, "Wasserman-Schultz came
under heavy fire after an enormous series of damaging leaks
helped to reveal what many in the Democratic base suspected:
She had rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton to win."
leaked emails have people on social networking stating
Wasserman Schultz helped rigged the primaries to ensure
Clinton would win the Democrat's party nomination. It shows
complete dishonesty and untrustworthiness. As another
consequence of her criminal behavior, Wasserman-Schultz has
been slapped with a class action lawsuit for "rigging the
Clinton has been running one of the most crooked, corrupt,
underhanded political campaigns in U.S. history. Everything
about Clinton's campaign is completely rigged. They want the
presidency so badly they are willing to lie, cheat, steal
and bribe.

Donald Trump slams Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton on Twitter over stealing the primaries and Democrat's nomination for President of the United States
Wasserman-Schultz is another person disgraced and ruined
over their association with Hillary Clinton's unlawful
conduct (for further reference see:
James Comey and the
Loretta Lynch).
Clinton quickly hired Wasserman-Schultz yesterday when the
scandal broke and she was forced to step down. Neither
Clinton or Wasserman-Schultz are fit to be in politics. They
are both corrupt. It's a shame Sanders didn't get the
weeks the Judiciary Report stated Clinton was rigging the
election (Obama
Administration Meddling In Election Trying To Give Hillary
Clinton And His Party The Presidency).
The disclosure of yesterday's emails proves it. The woman is
evil. She's so smug about the corruption that has disgusted
the populace.
smirking on television, you election rigging, hard up,
callous, scheming, social climbing battleaxe. Have some
shame about what you've done in stealing another person's
destiny (Bernie Sanders). It's an evil thing to do to
another human being. You're looking like Cruella Deville at
podiums with that perma-smirk, clearly pleased with the
chronic corruption. And it's ugly...very ugly. It's
unattractive and disingenuous. Your role model is clearly
Lucifer to stoop to such drastic lows in actively trying to
steal an election. Hillary, your horns are showing.
Report: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz To Resign After Convention
Report: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz To Resign After Convention
24 Jul 2016 - DNC Chair Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz issued a statement Sunday saying she plans
to resign after the Democratic National Convention
concludes, according to reports. Wasserman-Schultz came
under heavy fire after an enormous series of damaging leaks
helped to reveal what many in the Democratic base suspected:
She had rigged the primary for a Hillary Clinton win.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served Class Action Lawsuit for Rigging Primaries
This is the first of many consequences the Democratic Party will face for manipulating millions of voters
06/30/16 11:30am - On June 28, the
Miami-based law firm Beck & Lee filed a class action lawsuit
against the Democratic National Committee and DNC chair
Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “There are essentially six legal
claims we are asserting in this lawsuit on behalf of the
composed class members,” said attorney Jared Beck in a
YouTube video announcing the lawsuit. “The first is a claim
for fraud—against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz—based
on the revelations from the recent Guccifer 2.0 documents
purportedly taken from the DNC’s own computer network.” The
Guccifer 2.0 documents include internal memos in which the
DNC broke legally binding neutrality agreements in the
Democratic primaries by strategizing to make Hillary Clinton
the nominee before a single vote was cast.
The second claim filed is for negligent
misrepresentation, a legal theory based on the first claim
of fraud. The third claim alleges the DNC and Wasserman
Schultz participated in deceptive conduct in claiming the
DNC was neutral during the Democratic primaries, when there
is overwhelming evidence suggesting favoritism of Clinton
from the beginning. The fourth claim of the lawsuit seeks
retribution of any monetary donations the DNC to Bernie
Sanders‘ campaign. The fifth claim alleges the DNC broke its
fiduciary duties during the Democratic primaries to members
of the Democratic Party by not holding a fair election
process. The sixth claim is for negligence on behalf of the
DNC—for not protecting donor information—as hackers broke
into the DNC networks, potentially compromising their
personal information.
“This lawsuit is our effort as attorneys to
give a voice, in the political system, to all those who have
been defrauded by the conduct of the DNC in supporting and
promoting Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in violation of its
own charter which requires it to be neutral,” added attorney
Jeff Beck. The class of representatives in the class action
lawsuit is currently in the thousands and continuing to
grow, as any donor to Bernie Sanders’ campaign eligible to
join. The Beck & Lee Law Firm has set up a Facebook Page
with updates on the progress of the lawsuit.
Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Primaries
in large part due to the manufactured public consent within
the Democratic Party that she would be the presidential
nominee before the primaries even started. Prior to the
first state to hold an election in the primaries, over 400
super delegates formally supported Clinton. Clinton’s 2008
Campaign co-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, did everything
she could behind closed doors to ensure the 2016 primaries
were not democratic, but rather a coronation for Clinton.
“It is clearly the case that, when given
truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary
Clinton to be the nominee—obviously—and to the extent that
there are things that can be done institutionally and
marginally to facilitate that outcome, they are being done,”
said MSNBC host Chris Hayes this past May.
Such favoritism for Clinton has extended
throughout the Democratic Establishment. DNC vice chair
Donna Brazile even foreshadowed the rigging in 2013,
revealing in an interview with ABC News, “if Hillary Clinton
gets in the race, there will be a coronation of her.”
The DNC’s overtly fraudulent conduct and
disregard for democracy has incited calls for Wasserman
Schultz to resign, but the reforms and consequences for
their transgressions don’t start and stop there. Had the DNC
not colluded with the Clinton Campaign to shield her from
exposure, Clinton’s fate would have likely been similar to
that of Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, who fell
from grace in a broad pool after once being presumed to come
out on top as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee...
Bernie Sanders Campaign Chief Says Someone Must Be 'Accountable' for What DNC Emails Show
Bernie Sanders Campaign Chief Says Someone Must Be 'Accountable' for What DNC Emails Show
Jul 23, 2016, 4:38 PM ET - Bernie Sanders
campaign manager Jeff Weaver said his team was
"disappointed" by the emails from the Democratic National
Committee leaked through WikiLeaks, which seemed to reveal
staff in the party working to support Hillary Clinton.
"Someone does have to be held accountable," Weaver said
during an interview with ABC News. "We spent 48 hours of
public attention worrying about who in the [Donald] Trump
campaign was going to be held responsible for the fact that
some lines of Mrs. Obama's speech were taken by Mrs. Trump.
Someone in the DNC needs to be held at least as accountable
as the Trump campaign."
Weaver said the emails showed misconduct at
the highest level of the staff within the party and that he
believed there would be more emails leaked, which would
"reinforce" that the party had "its fingers on the scale."
"Everybody is disappointed that much of what we felt was
happening at the DNC was in fact happening, that you had in
this case a clear example of the DNC taking sides and
looking to place negative information into the political
"We have an electoral process. The DNC, by
its charter, is required to be neutral among the candidates.
Clearly it was not," Weaver said, responding for the first
time to the growing controversy. "We had obviously pointed
that out in a number of instances prior to this, and these
emails just bear that out." Another member of Sanders'
staff, Rania Batrice put it this way: "Everything our fans
have been saying -- and they were beaten down for and called
conspiracy theorists -- and now it's in black and white."...
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