Hillary Clinton
Wikileaks document dump of thousands of
private emails from the Democratic National Committee's
server that was hacker, have exposed key party members as
racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic and homophobic. The
Democratic National Party claims to be the liberal, tolerant
one, but the leaked emails tell a completely different
Party members bought and paid for by Hillary
Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, mocked Jewish candidate,
Bernie Sanders, for being a "secular Jew" and wrote of using
his religion against him in the race. That was foul. The
Democrats' emails also contained antisemitism regarding
Sanders and Israel. Some of the emails also contained
homophobic statements, labeling some people "a good gay" and
implying others were bad gays.
Democratic party leaders claim they want to
unify the country, but based on their awful emails they sure
love breaking people up into offensive little groups. Well,
I'm a unifier, so I state, to the Democrats who made
offensive statements in the emails, I would unify and label
you all under one group - idiots.
To illustrate the level of rigging
transpiring, the
leaked emails reveal the Clintons have roped in the
mainstream media, such as CNN among others, into writing and
broadcasting exactly what they want, while
trying to crush conservative outlets such as Fox News and
Drudge Report. Hillary Clinton has also been complaining to
Google and social networking sites, demanding the
suppression of items relating to unflattering stories about
her, the DNC email leaks and the documentary “Clinton
It’s insane that in a nation that was
founded on free speech and free press, Clinton and her crazy
minions are doing their level best to censor and suppress
people’s right to speak their minds and write what they
wish. The Clinton campaign look like mentally ill, obsessive
people going to such drastic extremes in trying to
control free speech and free press.
Top DNC staffer apologizes for email on Sanders’ religion
Top DNC staffer apologizes for email on Sanders’ religion
07/23/16 06:15 PM EDT - A top staffer at the
Democratic National Committee has apologized after
suggesting that the organization use Bernie Sanders’
religious beliefs against him in the Democratic primary. One
email among the thousands of internal DNC messages released
this week by Wikileaks showed DNC CFO Brad Marshall
questioning Sanders’ Jewish faith, and suggested that
painting the candidate as an atheist “could make several
points difference” in several late primary contests.
“It might may (sic) no difference, but for
KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he
believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish
heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make
several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist
peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an
atheist,” Marshall wrote in a message to several DNC
communications directors. The message does not mention
Sanders by name, but he was the only Jewish candidate, and
the email came shortly before the Kentucky and West Virginia
Democratic primaries.
Leaked Emails Show DNC Officials Planned Anti-Trump Protests
Leaked Emails Show DNC Officials Planned Anti-Trump Protests
12:02 AM 07/24/2016 - The release of
Democratic National Committee emails by WikiLeaks Friday
reveals that DNC officials planned anti-Donald Trump
protests. In multiple emails, DNC officials signed off and
acknowledged the existence of two anti-Donald Trump protests
in South Bend, IN and Billings, MT. The release of nearly
20,000 emails is the first in a WikiLeaks “Hillary Leaks”
In another other email chain also on April
29, titled “Week-Ahead Notes & Assignments,” former DNC
media booker Pablo Manriquez comments “this should be fun”
in reference to the May protest. University of Notre Dame,
located in South Bend, is Manriquez’s alma mater. A DNC
official wrote, “Pablo please reach out to any folks you
think may be able to help.”
FBI Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them 'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For Crimes She Committed
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Dodged 74 Questions In Congress About The Corruption That Led To Hillary Clinton Not Being Criminally Charged For Mishandling Classified Information
Russian Government Hackers Expose Democrats In Email Hack Leaking Items Revealing Election Rigging And Mocking Bernie Sanders Leading To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Resignation
Members Of Congress Question FBI Director James Comey In Hearing About Hillary Clinton Lying To The Legislature And FBI Under Oath
Presidential Poll: Americans Believe Donald Trump Would Handle
The Economy Better Than Hillary Clinton
The Associated Press Accuses U.S. Supreme Court Judges Of Taking Stocks As Bribes And They're Right
The Public Slams Democrats In Congress For Attending The Grammy Awards In Twitter Backlash
Donald Trump Receives A Record 13,000,000 Primary Votes Surpassing Hillary Clinton
President Obama Tells Donald Trump 'This Is Not A Reality Show'
FBI Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them 'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For Crimes She Committed
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Dodged 74 Questions In Congress About The Corruption That Led To Hillary Clinton Not Being Criminally Charged For Mishandling Classified Information
Russian Government Hackers Expose Democrats In Email Hack Leaking Items Revealing Election Rigging And Mocking Bernie Sanders Leading To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Resignation
Members Of Congress Question FBI Director James Comey In Hearing About Hillary Clinton Lying To The Legislature And FBI Under Oath
The Associated Press Accuses U.S. Supreme Court Judges Of Taking Stocks As Bribes And They're Right
The Public Slams Democrats In Congress For Attending The Grammy Awards In Twitter Backlash
Donald Trump Receives A Record 13,000,000 Primary Votes Surpassing Hillary Clinton
President Obama Tells Donald Trump 'This Is Not A Reality Show'