Elizabeth Warren And Nancy Pelosi Booed And Jeered As
A House Divided Against Itself Will Not Stand
A House Divided Against Itself Will Not Stand

Debbie Wasserman Schultz booed offstage
The first day of the Democratic Nation
Convention did not go well at all. First a thunderstorm
rained out the press tent, soaking equipment and chasing
reporters out of the makeshift structure soaking wet. It
only went downhill from there. DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman
Schultz, who is embroiled in a email scandal regarding
election rigging for candidate Hillary Clinton, was booed
right off the stage with chants of “shame!” and “shame on
you.” Security had to escort Wasserman Schultz off the
stage. This past Sunday when the story broke, Wasserman
Schultz had promised to resign by Friday, but decided to
push it by showing up at the convention and ended up being
loudly booed.

Elizabeth Warren booed and jeered
The Wikileaks document dump of thousands of
Democratic Nation Committee emails revealed political party
management being mean, cruel, disparaging, racist,
xenophobic and homophobic. The emails also revealed election
rigging. Elizabeth Warren was also jeered at the convention,
as the crowd heckled her stating, “We trusted you!” Warren
and Wasserman Schultz, among others, conspired to rig the
election to unlawfully give the nomination for President of
the United States to fellow female, Hillary Clinton, who is
unfit to hold the post.

Hillary Clinton
You do women no favors when you cheat a man,
Bernie Sanders, out of his destiny, in order to steal an
election for a woman, Hillary Clinton, who is a lying,
scheming, cheating, privacy invading, records destroying,
classified files mishandling, careless, criminally negligent
person. I am all for nations having a female head of state.
However, my view is the best person should win elections,
man or woman.
California Delegates Boo Speakers at Convention Breakfast
Posted Jul 25, 2016 10:05 AM - Jeers for
Pelosi, cheers for Sanders in ominous opening for DNC. House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi took the boos from Bernie
Sanders' supporters at the California delegation breakfast
in Philadelphia on Monday in her stride. Democratic
discontent with Hillary Clinton was on full display at the
California delegation breakfast Monday morning ahead of the
first night of the Democratic National Convention.
Members of the delegation repeatedly
disrupted the lineup of speakers, including House Minority
Leader Nancy Pelosi, with protestations against Clinton and
cheers for her erstwhile primary rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie
Sanders. Sanders won 43 percent of the California's
Democratic primary vote in June, compared to Hillary
Clinton’s 56 percent. But whenever a speaker talked about
uniting to elect Clinton in November, the crowd balked. They
booed Rep. Michael M. Honda. And chanted, “Bernie, Bernie,
Bernie!” during Rep. Barbara Lee’s address.
Pelosi tried to unify the room by
emphasizing the commonalities in the room rather than the
divisions. “The differences that we have are not so great
compared to the chasm between us and Republicans,” she said.
But the crowd wasn’t having it. When a "Bernie" sign was
thrust in Pelosi’s face on stage, she remained calm, saying,
“I don’t consider it a discourtesy even if it is intended as
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Driven Out of Chaotic Florida Democratic Breakfast
The outgoing DNC chair was roundly booed and heckled and had to be escorted out by security
July 25, 2016, at 10:32 a.m. - PHILADELPHIA
-- Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the embattled outgoing chair of
the Democratic National Committee, was forcibly driven out
of her own state delegation's breakfast Monday amid vocal
and unwieldy protests by Bernie Sanders' supporters.
Schultz, who announced Sunday she would
resign her chairmanship after emails showed top staffers at
the Democratic National Committee worked to undermine
Sanders' primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, attempted
to talk over a chorus of heckles and boos at a downtown
hotel hosting the Florida Democratic Party.
But the Florida congresswoman, who faces a
newly emboldened primary challenge in her home state, could
barely be heard over the ruckus. As soon as she took the
stage, attendees donning Sanders shirts and holding signs
that read "Email" began to disrupt her remarks. The
delegation breakfast, normally a calm, sleepy, mundane
affair, devolved into outright chaos.
Some started chanting "Shame on you!"
Another man screamed, "We are not cool with
Facebook Unblocks DNC Email Leak After WikiLeaks Accuses Them of Censorship
Facebook Unblocks DNC Email Leak After WikiLeaks Accuses Them of Censorship
1:22 pm, July 25th, 2016 - Facebook is
chalking some controversial content blocking up as an
“accident” following reports that the social media site was
forbidding links to the WikiLeaks data dump on the
Democratic National Committee.
WikiLeaks created a political firestorm over
the weekend after they published hacked emails showing
Democratic Party officials discussing ways to undermine
Bernie Sanders‘ presidential run. As the story developed
however, WikiLeaks took notice of a trend on Twitter, where
Facebook users posted screenshots of the error messages they
received when they tried to post certain links referencing
the scandal.
Eventually, WikiLeaks received a Twitter
response from a user called @SwiftOnSecurity, who said that
“Facebook has an automated system for detecting
spam/malicious links, that sometimes have false positives.”
Soon afterwards, Facebook CSO Alex Stamos appeared to
acknowledge the censorship and say that the social media
site is addressing the problem.
WikiLeaks has apparently acknowledged Stamos’
tweet, describing the block as “an accident.”
The data publishing site has also been
suggesting that Twitter is taking action against the leak...
FBI Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them 'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For Crimes She Committed
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Dodged 74 Questions In Congress About The Corruption That Led To Hillary Clinton Not Being Criminally Charged For Mishandling Classified Information
Russian Government Hackers Expose Democrats In Email Hack Leaking Items Revealing Election Rigging And Mocking Bernie Sanders Leading To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Resignation
Members Of Congress Question FBI Director James Comey In Hearing About Hillary Clinton Lying To The Legislature And FBI Under Oath
Presidential Poll: Americans Believe Donald Trump Would Handle
The Economy Better Than Hillary Clinton
The Associated Press Accuses U.S. Supreme Court Judges Of Taking Stocks As Bribes And They're Right
The Public Slams Democrats In Congress For Attending The Grammy Awards In Twitter Backlash
Donald Trump Receives A Record 13,000,000 Primary Votes Surpassing Hillary Clinton
President Obama Tells Donald Trump 'This Is Not A Reality Show'
FBI Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them 'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For Crimes She Committed
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Dodged 74 Questions In Congress About The Corruption That Led To Hillary Clinton Not Being Criminally Charged For Mishandling Classified Information
Russian Government Hackers Expose Democrats In Email Hack Leaking Items Revealing Election Rigging And Mocking Bernie Sanders Leading To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Resignation
Members Of Congress Question FBI Director James Comey In Hearing About Hillary Clinton Lying To The Legislature And FBI Under Oath
The Associated Press Accuses U.S. Supreme Court Judges Of Taking Stocks As Bribes And They're Right
The Public Slams Democrats In Congress For Attending The Grammy Awards In Twitter Backlash
Donald Trump Receives A Record 13,000,000 Primary Votes Surpassing Hillary Clinton
President Obama Tells Donald Trump 'This Is Not A Reality Show'