Rihanna posted this sexually suggestive photo on Instagram and tagged Lebron James in it. She'll know when Lebron's wife slaps the taste out of her mouth.
Rihanna continues to show she has no class
and was poorly raised by her parents. The so-called singer,
who sounds like a sheep being tased, posted a
suggestive photo on Instagram, tagging NBA basketball
superstar, Lebron James, who is married. In the photo, Rihanna poses
in a bikini with her legs open and Lebron's jersey number
on her stomach in whip cream.
People online reacted very badly to the post
labeling it disrespectful to Lebron's wife, Savannah James.
The whole thing is foul. It's not a good look on Rihanna.
Her pimp, rapper Jay Z needs to tell her to stop
engaging in this flagrant behavior regarding a married man.
Lebron needs to tell her to stop as well. It does
not endear the public to her, especially women, who will
simply stop buying her products. Women are not inclined
to support homewreckers.

Lebron James, Savannah James and their children
Lebron and Rihanna have been carrying on an
affair for years and it is going to bring bad things into
both their lives. Previously, the Judiciary Report, wrote
about public incidents of Rihanna acting in an inappropriate
manner regarding Lebron that caused raised brows among the
press and on social networking (Rumors
Swirl That Lebron James Is Having An Extramarital Affair With Rihanna
Due To Her Brazen Behavior Courtside And Outside The
Cavaliers Locker Room Before And After Boarding His Private Jet).
Rihanna keeps behaving like trash. Rihanna
and fellow Roc Nation singer, Rita Ora, have constantly
cheated with married rapper, Jay Z, who owns the
questionable company. Jay Z keeps pimping them out like sex
slaves to high profile entertainers, athletes and industry
executives for the furtherance of his career, Roc Nation and
their careers as singers as well. They've been told they owe
him for making them famous.

Rihanna and Rita Ora
Rihanna and Rita Ora are the type of idiotic
women who revel in being homewreckers and damaging people's
relationships. They find a strange form of validation in
doing so, even though these men would not leave their wives
for them, branding them disposable sex objects only good for
one thing. It's hypocritical the jealous manner in which
Rihanna used to behave over the love of her life, Chris
Brown, flying into a rage over other women flirting with
him, especially famous ones, but is engaging in this type of
behavior at the expense of Lebron's wife.