Catherine Pavlich
33-year-old stalker, Charles Moreland, has
been targeting Townhall.com journalist and Fox News
commentator, Catherine “Katie” Pavlich, whom he is in love
with, resulting in the FBI indicting him on criminal
charges, such as cyberstalking. Previously, Morelanad was
jailed for cyberstalking and making threats against U.S.
congressional senator, Harry Reid.
Moreland, sent Palvich a barrage of unwanted
and threatening emails at the online address posted on her
website articles. Such email addresses are meant for public
feedback, which includes compliments, constructive criticism
or requests regarding what people would like to see on a
website. Said email addresses are not meant for threats and
abuse. Writers don't mind emails that criticize their
writing and written opinions. You can even tell a writer via
email that their work stinks or is biased. However, when it
crosses the line into threats, that's when it becomes
Moreland used fake names and various email
addresses to submit a multitude of harassing, threatening
and abusive items to Palvich, in conduct psychologists
attribute to stalkers. Moreland took his conduct even
further in sending threatening and crazy items to Palvich's
brother on social networking. Papers in psychiatric journals
by psychologists do state, stalkers often target the family
members, spouses and or love interests of their victims. It
is a crazy means of indirect contact with a victim they are
stalking and getting no response from, leading to greater
restlessness. However, it is unwise to respond to a stalker.

Harry Reid
Moreland became so obsessed with Palvich,
everything she or her brother posted online, he crazily
misinterpreted it as something directed to and written about
him. Moreland made statements that reveal he is in love with
pretty Palvich and wanted to marry her. Many people have
crushes on public figures, post comments to that effect on
social networking and even send fan email. That's no crime.
However, once again, Moreland veered into completely illegal
territory in sending threatening items via email, where
Palvich and her brother began to reasonably fear for their
Moreland was jailed and given court orders
not to use a computer, laptop, tablet or any other device to
cyberstalk and harass people. However, the minute he got out
of jail in the Reid case, he began targeting Palvich to
greater degrees, sending more and more threatening emails.
This case further alarmingly proves many stalkers cannot be
rehabilitated. It is a serious mental disorder that not even
shock therapy can fix.
Stalkers are not harmless. Many of them
engage in criminal violence against innocent people. Their
minds are gone, believing they own and or are in a romantic
relationship with their victim, who wants nothing to do with
them. The justice system needs to take a hard line with
stalkers. Too many of them have killed innocent people.
Stalkers belong behind bars indefinitely or in a mental
institution to protect the public.
Fore more information on this case, please
visit the Smoking Gun website, to view the full indictment:
FBI Probing Stalking Of Fox Commentator
Suspect was convicted for death threats against Sen. Harry Reid
FBI Probing Stalking Of Fox Commentator
Suspect was convicted for death threats against Sen. Harry Reid
MAY 19--The Oklahoma man convicted of
threatening to kill U.S. Senator Harry Reid is now the
target of an FBI investigation into his alleged online
stalking of a prominent conservative journalist and frequent
Fox News Channel contributor, court records show. According
to an FBI affidavit, Charles Moreland, 33, has spent most of
the last year harassing Catherine “Katie” Pavlich, a
Townhall.com editor. Pavlich, 27, has received more than 250
e-mails from Moreland, a barrage that left the journalist
“in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury,”
federal agents allege.
Moreland, a Tulsa resident, pleaded guilty
in January 2015 to sending Reid messages stating that the
politician was a “dead man.” One e-mail warned Reid that if
he did not resign his Senate seat he and his family members
would “face stern, harsh, unimaginable consequences.” In
another message, Moreland wrote that if the Democratic power
“opens his mouth again, we will take action against him and
his family immediately.”
In a misdemeanor plea deal, Moreland was
sentenced to a month in jail and five months of home
detention. He was also placed on probation for a year.
Beginning last May, investigators charge, Moreland inundated
Pavlich with creepy and menacing e-mails. While claiming in
one e-mail, “I am not going to harm anyone,” Moreland stated
in a later communication, “If I come to DC you will ignore
me and say you have no idea who I am.”
Upon receiving some of Moreland’s initial
e-mails, Pavlich told a colleague that, “I think this guy…is
a serious harm to himself and possibly a legitimate stalker
of me.” Pavlich, identified as “CP” in the FBI affidavit,
did not respond to TSG e-mails seeking comment about the
federal probe.
In other e-mails, Moreland appeared
infatuated with Pavlich, asking, “When are you going to
seduce me?” and “Does that mean you are going to kill me if
I don’t marry you?” When Pavlich solicited reader questions
in advance of an interview with Carly Fiorina, Moreland
wrote, “Ask her if she thinks I should marry you.”
Moreland, the FBI affidavit notes, even
monitored an Instagram account maintained by Pavlich’s
brother. When Pavlich’s sibling uploaded video of himself
shooting at a Tulsa gun range, Moreland interpreted the clip
as a direct threat. “I have no interest in harming you or
anyone you care about. I honestly do not,” Moreland wrote to
Pavlich in a September 2015 e-mail. “However, if you have
interest in harming me, please make sure you follow through
on the implied.”
Moreland’s e-mails to Pavlich stopped after
he was arrested in November for violating terms of his
probation. He was cited for failing to disclose his use of a
tablet and laptop that were capable of accessing the
Internet. Additionally, court records show, Moreland sent
“threatening” e-mails to the White House, Hillary Clinton,
and other public officials. The Clinton e-mail, forwarded to
the Secret Service by the campaign’s correspondence
director, prompted agents to confront Moreland about his
unhinged communications...
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Thrown Out Of Court
Chris Brown Hit With Restraining Order From His Stalker
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Erin Andrews Wins $55,000,000 In Case Against Marriott Hotels Over Being Stalked And Secretly Filmed In Her Room By Sick Voyeur Who Disseminated The Video Online
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