Neysi Perez
16-year-old pregnant girl, Neysi Perez, was accidentally buried alive in her native Honduras. Perez was 3-months pregnant, when she suddenly fell ill in her bathroom, frothing at the mouth, after hearing a series of gunshots outside her home. Sadly, rather than rushing her to a hospital, her family took the critically ill teen to a priest to perform an exorcism.
The Guardian newspaper quoted Perez's boyfriend Rody Gonzales as stating, "The pastor asked her to repeat the word of God and she refused. Another voice was coming out of her" leading people to believe she was possessed by an evil spirit. Perez's condition worsened and she was later taken to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Family of Neysi Perez breaking her coffin open
Doctors now believe, "Ms Perez may have suffered a severe panic attack which could have temporarily stopped her heart activity. Another hypothesis is that the teenager had a cataplexy attack, an abrupt temporary loss of voluntary muscle function typically triggered by a strong emotional stimulus such as stress or fear, during which the victim maintains full conscious awareness. She may then have died from lack of oxygen after waking up inside the closed coffin."

Family of Neysi Perez breaking her coffin open
This is a tragic and eerie story. I am sorry for the family’s loss. As a devout Christian, I do believe the Bible. However, I am a Christian who also respects medicine and science and view them as God given tools to help the sick. Therefore, I would advise people to immediately seek a hospital when having a medical emergency. If someone is having a medical emergency in your presence, immediately call for the paramedics.
The quicker the patient reaches the hospital the better. I am not a fan of paramedics and or other medical personnel working on patients for a long time where they find them outside of a hospital setting, rather than rushing them to the hospital, because if they have internal injuries, a medical scan will quickly pick that up. Imaging equipment is more readily available in hospitals to perform such scans.

Family of Neysi Perez breaking her coffin open
For example, when I was a teen a friend of the family went to a football match in South America. After the match, there was a bus accident in hilly terrain, regarding the vehicle carrying people from the event and many passengers were injured, my family friend included. They began airlifting people to the hospital a few at a time and my family friend, who was selfless, told the paramedics to take his friend to the hospital ahead of him, as he had visible injuries. However, as much as my family friend looked fine on the outside, he had extensive internal injuries and died shortly after.
As much as a person can look unwell, they can also appear perfectly healthy on the outside and be bleeding to death in their brain or from a major artery in another region of the body and die within an hour. Some people experience a catastrophic medical event that requires immediate surgery at the hospital to fix a ruptured artery. Some people who experience an aneurysm will have excessive fluid forming in the skull cavity that needs to be drained via surgery in the hospital or they will die when said fluid shifts the brain out of place via pressure.
Family breaks open pregnant teenager's coffin in fear she was buried alive
Wednesday 26 August 2015 06.06 BST - Relatives of a pregnant Honduran teenager, who had been buried after being pronounced dead at a hospital, broke down her tomb and pulled out her coffin after apparently hearing banging from the inside. Nelsy Perez, 16, was then rushed to a clinic, still lying in her coffin and dressed in the wedding gown she was going to wear when she married the father of her unborn child, but doctors there found no signs of life.
Relatives say they observed signs of a struggle in the broken glass panel of the coffin over her face, and bruises on her fingers. The case has sparked much speculation over what could have happened. Some have suggested catalepsy, a nervous condition that causes muscular rigidity, insensitivity to external stimuli and weak respiration.
Others speculate the damage to the inside of the coffin could be explained by body decomposition. “The coffin glass could have been broken by the gasses of the decomposing body,” said a police investigator, Blanca Mejia, citing the first impressions of the doctor carrying out the autopsy...
Videos of the traumatic events that took place in early July, near the western city of Copan, have now emerged in a report on Univision TV. The videos show a crowd gathered around Nelsy’s tomb as a young man smashes its sealed concrete entrance with a mallet, allowing the girl’s white coffin to be pulled out...
It all began, the family said, when Nelsy, who was three months pregnant, became suddenly ill in a way that made them suspect she had been possessed, and sent them running to a pastor. “The pastor asked her to repeat the word of God and she refused,” Nelsy’s boyfriend Rody Gonzales told Univision. “Another voice was coming out of her.” When her condition worsened, the family took her to a hospital. She was pronounced dead a few hours later...
Earlier Honduran media reports said Nelsy was initially taken ill after hearing gun shots outside her poverty-stricken home, and that the cause of death had been recorded as a heart attack. Soon after she was buried, Gonzales visited the tomb and thought he heard banging from within. He said he thought it might be his nerves playing tricks until a cemetery worker also heard the strange noises.
The family became even more convinced Nelsy had been buried alive once they had recovered the coffin. Her body seemed normal, and her colour seemed normal too “She didn’t smell bad or anything,” said Gladys Gutierrez, the girl’s aunt. Claudia Lopez, the doctor who attended the family at the clinic, said Perez was dead when she was tested. “They almost broke down the door to get in,” she said. “We evaluated her fully but there was no result.”
BURIED ALIVE: Family smash into coffin after hearing 'DEAD' teenager screaming from INSIDE
PUBLISHED: 06:39, Wed, Aug 26, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:45, Wed, Aug 26, 2015 - Footage shows grieving family members breaking through the concrete tomb from where Neysi Perez, 16, had been heard "banging and screaming". Relatives who removed the girl's corpse found that the glass viewing window on her coffin had been smashed, and the tips of her fingers were bruised.
Family members however were too late and the 16-year-old died for the second time despite efforts by desperate relatives to save her. Medics found no signs of life after examining her again and she was returned to the cemetery to be reburied. Ms Perez, who was three months pregnant, reportedly fell unconscious after waking up in the night to use the outside toilet at her home in La Entrada, western Honduras. It is believed she may have collapsed in an apparent panic attack after hearing a burst of gunfire in the nearby town...
But although medics tried to revive her, all the tests they carried out showed that she was clinically dead. Doctor Claudia Lopez recalled: "The whole family rushed in, almost breaking the door down, carrying the girl in her casket. I told them to take her out and put her on the bed. Everybody was claiming she was alive so I went through all the necessary procedures.
"We evaluated and tried everything but the girl was dead. They put her back in the coffin and took her away again, back to the cemetery." Doctors believe Ms Perez may have suffered a severe panic attack which could have temporarily stopped her heart activity. Another hypothesis is that the teenager had a cataplexy attack, an abrupt temporary loss of voluntary muscle function typically triggered by a strong emotional stimulus such as stress or fear, during which the victim maintains full conscious awareness. She may then have died from lack of oxygen after waking up inside the closed coffin.
Her cousin, Carolina Perez, said: "Once we had taken her out of the tomb I put my hand on her body. She was still warm, and I felt a faint heart beat. "She had scratches on her forehead and bruises on her fingers. It looked like she had tried desperately to get out of the casket and hurt herself...