Bobbi Kristina Brown
The National Enquirer released a distasteful reenactment of the events leading up to the death of 22-year-old Bobbi Kristina Brown, the only child of the late singer, Whitney Houston. The photos are graphic but strangely enough can serve a purpose. The photos show Brown being beaten and killed by her abusive boyfriend Nick Gordon, in acts of domestic violence. She is beaten (punched so hard her front tooth was knocked out), dragged up a flight of stairs by her hair and placed face down in a bathtub, after being drugged by Gordon.

National Enquirer reenactment
photos shows Bobbi Kristina being beaten, dragged then placed
face down in her bathtub by Nick Gordon, in a matter the court
appointed conservator of her estate revealed and law enforcement
sources confirmed.
Anyone who has a heart can see the tragedy and cruelty of what happened and will understand the need for a criminal case being brought against Gordon. No one should suffer such abuse. It has devastated her family and all who care about her. Gordon must be brought to justice in a court of law.