Johnny Manziel getting drunk in Miami yesterday
In the July 12, 2014 article "Partying Your Career Away"
the Judiciary Report wrote about U.S. football player, Johnny
Manziel, before he turned pro, as the prospect had been indulging in
destructive habits prior to his debut with the NFL team the
Cleveland Browns. Six moths later, Manziel, who's nickname is
"Johnny Football" missed an important team session, due to being
absolutely drunk and hung-over.
The next day, ESPN commentator Skip Bayless, labeled
Manziel an "alcoholic" and he's right. All the signs are there
Manziel needs help regarding alcohol addiction. The next day, Maziel
did not listen and headed to Miami. Despite asking the public not to
photograph him drinking and partying, people did and shots of
Manziel taking shots of alcohol ended up online.

Manziel six months ago
My dad, a former pro-athlete who coached for many
years, emphasizes that athletes cannot drink and party during the
season and be at their best in their sport. There is a scientific
basis to this. Excessive alcohol consumption slows down your
reaction time, pickles your organs, saps your energy and interferes
with your focus. However, when athletes are young they believe they
are invincible and can do anything. Then reality sets in. You can't
do any negative thing and there not be consequences. The body does
not work like that.
Make the most of the opportunities you are given in
your career. Drinking, smoking, narcotics and partying will hamper
your career. You have to discipline yourself if you want to be
successful. Alcohol, drugs, smoking and partying is not worth your
career. Not to mention, your health.