Friday, August 1, 2014

El Debarge Shuts Down Rumors He Has A Secret Child With Pebbles


El Debarge

This is a follow up to the July 29, 2014 Judiciary report article "Pebbles Shuts Down Rumors She Has A Secret Son With El Debarge." El Debarge has also spoken out about the lies a stalker has been feeding unsuspecting bloggers, regarding an alleged secret child with Pebbles, stating the same thing she has, it's a complete lie.



Pebbles and El Debarge have never met and it must be hurtful to see someone lie to the people in that manner, playing on public sympathy for attention and ill-gotten gains, via a so-called-tell all book due for release next month, that everyone should boycott. Don't waste your money on the fraudulent forthcoming tell all by "Tian McKissack" which isn't even his real name, as it is a pack of lies. 

El Debarge shuts down rumors regarding secret a child with Pebbles

Pebbles shuts down rumors regarding secret a child with Pebbles

The book should not even be published, as it constitutes "willful malice" (knowingly publishing deceitful, defamatory, libelous material) which is a litigable offense. He should do himself a favor and call off the fraudulent book, before he loses his shirt in court and ends up embarrassed all over the internet.


Sebastian "Tian" McKissack has fraudulently taken Pebbles' maiden name and is going around stating he is her son and that of El Debarge, when neither singer has met the other. Sebastian's facial features does not resemble either singer. He looks like an extra from a Bone Thugs video.

No real judge is going to sympathize with someone making up such outlandish, scandalous lies and publishing them, regarding two people he claims are his parents, who've never even met each other. He'll be on the hook for a financial judgment in the six figures that can be enforced against any assets he owns and his monthly wages. He should while he's ahead.