George Zimmerman in court on felony assault
Donations poured in to Zimmerman totaling over $500,000 from gun lobbyists who sought to defend his right to use a gun. However, the Trayvon Martin murder was never about that. It was a hate crime committed by Zimmerman, whose record of calls to 911 to report allegedly suspicious behavior reveals a man complaining to the authorities about African Americans age 7 and up which is insane.
After Zimmerman attacked his wife’s dad and threatened their lives via motioning for his gun, gun lobbyists began backing away from him and the flow of donations slowed. He should not have been given that money in the first place. It should have gone to reputable charities.

Samantha Scheibe
Before Zimmerman was tried for the murder of Trayvon Martin and unjustly acquitted, the Judiciary Report stated he fits the profile of a stalker (George Zimmerman Fits The Profile Of A Stalker). Since that time, his conduct towards his wife, father-in-law and girlfriend support the site’s claims. He is vengeful, hateful and bitter believing everyone must do what he says or there will be violent consequences when he stalks and confronts them.
As someone who is a victim of aggravated stalking, I can attest, it is an egregious violation of a person’s right to privacy, peace of mind and safety. It is disrespectful, demeaning and degrading, as one is insanely being viewed as prey by a sick person who belongs behind bars. Learn to give people their space and not hound, harass or try to harm them. The sad fact of the matter is according to statistics an overwhelming number of stalking victims end up killed by their stalkers if the justice system does not intervene.