Adrian Peterson

Joseph Patterson

Ashley Doohen

Ty Doohen
Doohen left Ty with Patterson while she went shopping, when the deadly incident occurred. Just days prior to this story, the Judiciary Report wrote, "Women also need to be careful regarding leaving their sons with male or female strangers" (Heavy Public Criticism And Concern Over Chris Brown Stating He Lost His Virginity At Age 8). The death of Ty Doohen is another example of this. There are some great, decent people out there, but there are unethical ones as well. Sometimes you don't know who you're dealing with until something bad happens.

Ty Doohen
It has since emerged, Patterson was accused of violently beating the child of an ex-girlfriend to the point the mother stated she had to use ice to bring down the swelling and welts on the child’s buttocks. The unnamed woman obtained a restraining order against Patterson to protect herself and her child. Patterson was also accused of domestic violence in another case.