Congress has been fighting with U.S. President
Barack Obama over his healthcare program dubbed ObamaCare

Head of the Republican Party, Senator John Boehner
and leader of the Democrat Party, President Barack Obama

To know scores of federal workers have not been getting their paychecks, when they have financial obligations to meet offended many, even those not directly touched by the shutdown. Some were already behind in their bills and the shutdown made things worse. Not to mention, the emotional distress and uncertainty for workers and the nation as a whole. Congress can do better than this.
Poll: Voters want to throw out bums in Congress On
4:11 p.m. EDT October 15, 2013 - Voters are fed up with Congress and want to throw the bums out. That's one takeaway from a Pew Research Center poll released Tuesday that shows a record 74% of registered voters would like to see most members of Congress defeated in 2014. At this same point in the 2010 and 2006 midterm elections — which resulted in the House flipping party control — only about half wanted to see most lawmakers booted from office...