The Ladies All Looked Lovely But Arguments Ensued...

R&B Divas LA
Part one of the "R&B Divas LA" reunion show
aimed to clear up rumors surrounding its stars Chante Moore, Kelly Price, Lil
Mo, Claudette Ortiz, Michel’le and Dawn Robinson. The latter was absent, which
upset the other five cast members of the hit reality show. The reunion show was
hosted by talk show host Wendy Williams, who didn‘t hold back.
There were a lot of questions about Kelly Price’s conduct
towards the other cast members. Williams stated, "Kelly, I had no idea you
were such a mean bully" and "Kelly is a mean girl!" Regrettably, Price
portrayed herself in this manner. She blames her negative image on editing, but
the Judiciary Report disagrees. Yes, editing can stitch people up, but not to
this degree. Girl, that was you.
Moore exposed Price as a liar again, stating the idea for
the monologues show, was not Kelly's but that of the producers and managers
behind the reality show. Moore stated they'd met at the Savoy in Los Angeles
and discussed it, "We had a meeting with management and producers"
and they stated "Hey, this is our idea. Kelly we want you to be the helm
of this." This is an item of note, as Price portrayed herself as the
victim, whose idea Moore stole and hired a producer to put together, after
Kelly kept missing rehearsals.
In the Judiciary Report article "Kelly Price'Heartbroken' Stating R&B Divas LA Edited To Make Her Look Like The Bad Guy" the site stated, "Everyone's time is valuable. To bring together
five women with family and careers of their own, then repeatedly miss rehearsal
as the project manager, is to waste their time and no one feels good when that
happens to them." On the reunion show last night Price stated, "I did
not take the ladies time for granted and never not show up some place."
However, she did and owes them an apology.
Price stated her antics on the show, including bringing
Timberlands, a straight edge razor and Vaseline to a rehearsal, symbols of an
imminent fight in the hood, was done by her to create drama. Price stated the
producers told her, "Turn it up or this gets shut down" so she
brought drama to the show. However, the other cast members insist "no
acting was involved." Lil Mo even offered, "Violence was
Williams put it all out there, basically telling Ortiz she
is too pretty to have been almost homeless (there are pretty homeless people).
However, she married for love. She could have married a rich industry
millionaire she didn't love, but no one respects that. Ortiz's ex-husband
didn't manage the money he made well and that was the problem.
Williams brought up the topic of rumors that Moore's
ex-husband, singer Kenny Lattimore is gay. I've read that several times on
other sites. Moore refused to answer stating "You should ask him."
I'll take that as a yes. Why do some men marry women when they know they have
sugar in their gas tank.

Side Bar: Someone on Twitter claiming to be Dawn Robinson's
ex-husband, R&B singer/songwriter Dre Allen, used some of his few tweets to
tweet me stating he is going to sue Robinson, TV One and me. Yea, I don‘t even
know how I got dragged into this. All I did was write an article about him
based on what Robinson accused him of on the show, broadcast by TV One and what
Media Take Out wrote (Dawn Robinson Of EnVogue And R&B Divas LA Was AbusedBy Husband Who Was Bisexual). A number of other sites wrote far worse things
than I did regarding him, yet I get singled out. Seems kind of personal (but I
don't know him).
Robinson accused Allen of beating and cheating on her,
siring three children outside of the marriage. Due to the fact I wrote about it
based on Robinson’s words and a report on Media Take Out, in a Judiciary Report
article sympathetic to Robinson, he wants to sue me as well. However, it’s not
my story and under case law I’m indemnified from legal action for re-reporting
something that was broadcast or published elsewhere. I will sue for damages if
anyone takes me to court with no legitimate legal basis for doing so. I don’t
joke around with that.