In the July 13. 2013 Judiciary Report article Rihanna Threatening To Sue Chris Brown Over Using Her Name But There’s Just One Problem… the site questioned a blog report by blogger Sandra Rose that stated singer Rihanna wanted to sue her on-and-off boyfriend Chris Brown, who has been using her name in promoting his new album which contains a duet with her.
The Judiciary Report, familiar with entertainment industry contracts, stated Rihanna would lose said case, as standard contracts for collaborations grant the entertainer the right to invoke the name of their collaborator in the promotion of the material. Furthermore, that chick was paid for the track, he has the legal right to wear a pair of pants with her name on the butt saying she is on the track (LOL though it wouldn't be a good look).
The next day, Rihanna, who reads the site and blog, rushed to denounce Sandra Rose's claim as "false" even calling her fellow lesbian a "tranny" (Rose is stating the word "tranny" is a homophobic slur, but most people don't deem it one, with gays using the term). Now, I wasn't trying to show up another blogger via the article. Just stating the facts regarding Rihanna in that she'd have no case if she tried to sue.
However, I must state, it is pretty hypocritical for Rihanna to call Rose a tranny (which coincidentally the Judiciary Report called Rihanna's girlfriend Melissa Forde a few months ago). Rihanna, a known industry mattress, who has had full-on sex with (see: penetration) and or done sexual favors for (see: oral sex) Jay-Z, Kanye West, the Dream, ASAP Rocky, Meek Mill, Drake, L.A. Reid, her manager and publicist, had the nerve to insult a blogger, Rose, whom she openly came on to for favorable coverage on her widely read blog. Rihanna and her forehead need to sit down.

Rihanna was inviting Rose on the road with her to get positive blog posts she hoped would translate into better record sales as she has been experiencing a serious decline over the past few years. Rose posted about it, even including voice mail messages. Now all of a sudden Rose is a "tranny." But Rihanna was talking like she was willing to do sexual favors for Rose until she was turned down.
I don't respect stars trying to date bloggers for favorable coverage as it seems very insincere (though I will state, blogger Necole B****ie and Trey Songz seemed to actually like each other, so I didn't think anything negative about them dating).
However, Rihanna's conduct is desperate in light of the way some, not all stars, publicly slam bloggers as people beneath them...then in the next breath privately and literally try to get beneath certain bloggers to promote their junk. Not cool. If it weren't for bloggers keeping certain artists names alive online, they wouldn't have careers, as people aren't buying music like they used to do from traditional sources, thus the need for promotion on blogs. There are select blogs pulling more readers than television shows have viewers and radio programs have listeners.
A blogger would more respect an entertainer sending a message, email or text stating this is my new project, I hope you like it, can you write about it. Though it should be noted, some bloggers like Perez Hilton take payment for posts, but most rely on advertising.
Chris Brown Still Promoting Rihanna Collabo
Brown’s latest publicity stunt came in the form of a tweet saying he and Rihanna were collaborating on a new track called "Put It Up". But Rihanna lashed out with a subliminal tweet on Twitter.com: "B***h you will die, be born again, die again and be born again before I do a song with you b*tch," she wrote.
Undeterred by Rihanna’s threats, Brown continues to promote the track — even though it may not appear on his album. "It flows easy," Brown said of the song he and Rihanna recorded before the break up. "What works with us is that we have similar ways of creating music. It’s as effortless as can be," Chris told Hollywood Life.
Rihanna is reportedly so stressed out by Brown’s disrespect that she shows up hours late for her concerts. The "Pour It Up" singer showed up 3 hours late for her concert Wednesday night in Monte Carlo, Monaco, leaving fans who had paid at least $782 fuming. "Still no news of Rihanna," @MorganeDK tweeted at the two hour mark. "Are you lost?" the same user asked. "Noooo I haven’t been waiting … for 3 hours for nothing, have I?" another user tweeted. "She’s three hours late."
Why does Rihanna get a pass for using a homophobic
As a world famous entertainer whose fans include members of the LGBT community, Rihanna should know better than to use a homophobic slur that offends and insults the LGBT community. Rihanna should apologize to her young fans who are members of the LGBT community.
If Rihanna gets a pass, then every other public figure who maligns an entire group of people — including Paula Deen — should get a pass too. If Rihanna’s use of a homophobic slur is ignored in one instance, then it should be ignored in all instances.