BBC presenter Stuart Hall has
admitted to molesting underage girls
This is a follow up to the article May 2. 2013 Judiciary Report Article "Pedophilia At The BBC Comes To Light Just As The Site Predicted With Arrests In Jimmy Savile Scandal" regarding Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris and Max Clifford.
BBC television show host Stuart Hall was also arrested and charged with sex crimes against kids, regarding sexually molesting 20 underage girls as young as 9-years of age. Initially, Hall denied the allegations, claiming innocent and outrage, but shortly after admitted he did indeed commit serious sex crimes against children.
In the course of going over the phone hacking case, which I broke first online, thanks to Madonna’s highly questionable behavior, I discovered there are a few pedophiles ensconced at the BBC (Britain), Warner Bros (the BBC's partner and the label and film studio Madonna is affiliated with), Disney and Sony (Hollywood).
On May 5. 2013, the head of the BBC acknowledged the burden and legal liability the case has created on the British taxpayers, due to the criminal misconduct of the pedophiles in the case and select staff who covered up their crimes (see article excerpt below). In the May 2. 2013 Judiciary Report Article "Pedophilia At The BBC Comes To Light Just As The Site Predicted With Arrests In Jimmy Savile Scandal" the site discussed how unfair their conduct is to the British taxpayers.
BBC Execs Controlling The Lives Of Stars And
Other Employees
A few, not all, executives at the BBC are controlling the lives of stars and office employees of the network. This is unethical, as the network is a public trust funded by the British taxpayers. The British government has graciously and generously given the BBC enormous sums of money and not for a few executives at the network to do this. Said executives attempt to regulate what said stars do, say and write on social networking, also where they go and with whom.
It is a human rights violation, particularly regarding free speech and working in an environment free of fear, harassment and retaliation. When you start bullying folks, demanding they not speak to or communicate with certain people in any fashion or lose their jobs, you’ve broken the law.
To have a policy of, if you talk to or consort with so-and-so including the police you will be fired, is crossing the line. Once again, the BBC belongs to the taxpayers; it’s not your privately held network. Stop acting like it is. You didn’t put a dime into creating it, nor have you pumped billions of dollars into its upkeep over the years. The British taxpayers did. What’s equally astonishing is a handful of people are tarnishing a storied network’s legacy. It really is not fair, as the BBC has done some great work that is now being overshadowed by scandal.
Two employees in particular at the BBC are promoting an air of fear, hostility and harassment. They should think twice about their conduct, as not only is it unethical, it is without justification or legal basis. Furthermore, have you no thought for the employees of the BBC, stars included, whom you affect with your bullying, as it is producing undesirable side effects in their lives such as depression, distress and stress.
What does that have to do with entertainment? What if your bullying and interference in the lives of BBC employees leads to someone at the network committing suicide, breaking under the distress and peer pressure. Then what (by the way, please, no one do that, as suicide is not the answer to your problems and depression).
To the two aforementioned employees: keep it up and your names may end up in the public domain in a very unflattering light. And no, no one at the network snitched to me, regarding what you’ve been doing. You’ve sufficiently managed to bully them into silence. I found out through credible outside sources.
So, the next time you consent to opening your mouth to bully someone at the network or mention my name to anyone at the BBC or in the industry with any bull attached to it, I want you to remember the scandals I’ve broken on the internet and how I will have absolutely no hesitation in breaking your corrupt secrets online for millions of people to read (and it will never come off the internet).
Let me hear back from someone again that you have repeated the aforementioned misconduct and I will not even blink in giving you the Rupert Murdoch treatment that has caused him a world of legal problems, embarrassment and disgrace. The fact of the matter is I meant no one any harm at the BBC, being a fan of the network, but you've greatly offended me regarding your conduct with Madonna (Aisha v. FBI [Freedon Of Information Act case]) and her Kabbalah cohorts at the BBC, Russell Davies (another sick perv who has behaved inappropriately towards minors) and Steven Moffat, engaging in criminal copyright infringement, among other things.
If I were you (BBC) I'd back away from her, because an official is quietly looking into her unlawful conduct that she has roped you into and there exists a clear digital paper trail incriminating you and others, due to her arrogance and overconfidence regarding corruption.
BBC Executive Charged As Pedophile, Another
BBC Exec Busted, Madonna
Violates The Privacy Of Minors
and Aisha v. FBI.
Veteran BBC football commentator Stuart Hall has
admitted indecently assaulting 13 girls, the youngest aged nine.
On BBC 5 Live he was a regular football commentator and summariser and provided colourful analysis of matches, often including literary references and allusions. Guilty: Stuart Hall arrives at Preston Crown Court today, with solicitor Maurice Watkins, where he has admitted historic sex allegations.
Despite previous vociferous public denials of any wrongdoing, Hall calmly and repeatedly answered 'guilty' when the charges were put to him at the hearing on April 16. Sat in front of the dock with his legal representatives, he confirmed his full name of James Stuart Hall to the clerk in the plea hearing. He then stood up as he uttered the single damning word which has now ruined his reputation.
The Recorder of Preston, Judge Anthony Russell QC, told him he would be required to sign the Sex Offenders Register. He was told a notice which he needed to fill in would be sent to his home in Cheshire within days. An additional charge of rape and three more of indecent assault will lie on file after prosecutors decided not to pursue them following the other guilty pleas. Nazir Afzal, chief crown prosecutor for the North West, described the broadcaster as an 'opportunistic predator'.
A brief outline of the abuse suffered by three of his victims, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was outlined at an earlier hearing at Preston Magistrates' Court. In the 1980s Hall molested a nine-year-old girl by putting his hand up her clothing. He also kissed a 13-year-old girl on the lips after he said to her: 'People need to show thanks in other ways.' On another occasion in the 1970s he fondled the breast of a girl aged 16 or 17...
Review prompted by Savile scandal reveals 'strong
undercurrent of fear' at BBC
Current BBC contracts can include "derogatory statement restrictions". New BBC director general Tony Hall, for instance, is barred from making "any derogatory or unfavourable public remark or statement" about the BBC during his time in office or within two years of his departure. BBC trust chairman Chris Patten revealed last week that this clause would be removed from Hall's contract. The review was prepared with the help of Dinah Rose QC and Change Associates.
Hall said: "Parts of this report do however make uncomfortable reading. We need to be honest about our shortcomings and single minded in addressing them. I want zero tolerance of bullying and a culture where people feel able to raise concerns and have the confidence that they will be dealt with appropriately.
"I also want people to be able to speak freely about their experiences of working at the BBC so that we can learn from them. The measures we are taking today, including the removal of so called ‘gagging clauses’, show our commitment to change. This agenda will be a priority for the senior management team going forward."...
BBC bosses 'knew all about Stuart Hall': Abuser
'had special room set aside to entertain lady friends at studios' as
Corporation comes under pressure to hold second inquiry
Gerry Clarke said: ‘Of course they [BBC managers] were aware of what was going on ... Stuart could do what Stuart could do.’ A former producer said Hall frequently took over a medical room at the BBC studios to entertain ‘lady friends’.
‘Stuart Hall pushed me up against a wall and tried to force himself on me': It's A Knockout cheerleader recounts horrific moment BBC veteran sexually assaulted her. One of the presenter’s victims, 16 at the time, revealed how she had been lured into his clutches after he invited her to BBC Manchester.
It also emerged yesterday that at least one of his offences had taken place on a day when he was filming It’s A Knockout for the BBC. Former colleague Linda McDougall said Hall had a reputation as a 'ladies man.' The similarities to the Savile scandal, where the Jim’ll Fix It presenter used his position at the corporation to groom and then abuse youngsters, are striking...
Today it's a TV host. Rock stars with 14-year-old
groupies may be next. What we need to stop vile abusers like Hall is a
hotline for whistleblowers, says Esther Rantzen
Stuart Hall, of all people. Hall, aged 83, honoured (as Jimmy Savile was) for services to broadcasting and charity. Hall, who owed his career (as Savile did) to the BBC. And Hall, who used his fame (as Savile did) to get closer to the children he preyed upon.
I never knew Stuart Hall. The only moment in recent years I had even thought about him was when I heard that he had been arrested, and that he had roundly proclaimed his innocence, that the charges against him were ‘pernicious, callous, cruel and, above all spurious’ and that, as a result of them, he had suffered ‘a living nightmare’.
And when, in spite of all that righteous indignation, this week he pleaded guilty to a string of sexual attacks on children, I could hardly bring myself to read the details. So much of my life as President of ChildLine and as a Trustee of the NSPCC entails working with abused children and their families, trying to find better ways to protect them.
The thought that once again we had failed was infinitely depressing. But when I read the heart-breaking letter from one of his victims that prompted the police investigation, even I was profoundly shocked. She wrote that when she was a young teenager Hall had been invited by her school to present their prizes. That he had asked to meet her afterwards, and invited her to the television studios. Then having impressed her, fed her champagne, he had sex with her. The letter ends: ‘It disgusts me that he has the OBE, and that his friend gave him a place to hide, a platform for aggrandisement. It disgusts me to see him on television, to hear him on the radio...
Knockout for licence payers: Chairman admits
taxpayers face bill for Stuart Hall crimes at BBC
He now faces civil damages claims from his victims, many of whom are also planning to sue the corporation for failing to stop abuse on its premises. But Lord Patten insisted the BBC will not open a new inquiry to run alongside its Jimmy Savile investigation. Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show yesterday, he said: "I think to set up a new inquiry, when there is already one which is extremely well-resourced operating, would probably delay arriving at the truth." Asked by guest presenter Jeremy Vine if the BBC would be liable for compensation, Lord Patten added: "I imagine so, but that will be a matter for the lawyers and conceivably the courts." But he refused to estimate the cost to the taxpayer...
BBC manager accused of procuring girls for Stuart
A former studio worker has told ‘The Mail on Sunday’ that floor manager Peter Barlow had them brought to the BBC’s Manchester studios for fake auditions. The source claims that the women were lured to a room where Barlow filmed them having sex with the ‘It’s A Knockout’ host.
The new accusations increase pressure for an inquiry, similar to the Jimmy Savile investigation, into how bosses turned a blind eye while Hall molested girls at BBC studios. The latest incidents were said to have happened in Hall’s dressing room, next to the office of news editor Tom German and regional manager Ray Colley.
Stuart Hall's younger brother was cleared of
indecently assaulting 13-year-old girl
It was alleged during the trial that Mr Hall, then 56, fondled the girl in his office in Chelmsford and on another occasion while her mother, with whom he was having an affair, sat unaware in the same car. The girl alleged that Hall tried to kiss her up to 20 times between July 1989 and February 1990...