Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Site Is Again Proven Right About Lindsay Lohan's Horrible Habits Behind The Scenes

Lindsay Lohan. Wow, what is her beauty secret. She totally needs to tell Megan Fox (LOL).

The New York Times proverbially ripped Lindsay Lohan a new one this month, exposing her terrible behavior behind the scenes, which has rendered her a nightmare to work with. Lohan is involved in the yet-to-be-released low budget film "The Canyons" and the New York Times witnessed the making of the film for weeks and saw the actress behave like a complete terror.

Her publicist wisely tried to have the journalist removed from the set, knowing what Lohan is truly like, but failed. Hence the article destroying the little that was left of her career. And believe me, it is a good read. It took me a couple hours to read, re-read and absorb the 11 pages of insanity that is Lindsay and my left eye started twitching a little bit, but it was worth it.

The derivative film Lohan managed to disrupt and distort also features a porn star named James Deen (watch Harvey Levin at TMZ stalk him for personal reasons). Lohan kept showing up for work late, trying to change script lines (not just coke lines) and was terrified of getting close to Deen during their orgy scene, reportedly due to him being well-endowed.

What's ironic is Deen has reportedly slept with thousands of women, but he is the one that probably caught something from Lindsay. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Lohan is doing pornography now. She needs to take a good look at what she's done to her life, to go from big budget studio films to low budget porn that can't even find a film festival or distributor.

The New York Times article confirmed many things the Judiciary Report has stated about Lohan for years, warning people to be careful of employing her if they value their film projects. I wasn't trying to be mean. I was being practical. I know what I'd heard about Lohan and what I've witnessed regarding her as well for the past few years. There's no prettying it up. Therefore, I couldn't understand why anyone would hire her. Inviting someone with her proclivities into your work or life would be very unwise. Now you see it for yourself via the New York Times piece on the one time hit actress.

Lindsay Lohan on the set of The Canyons (Photo Credit: Jeff Minton/The New York Times) 

When you write and or direct a project, you want things to go well, with only positive memories attached to it. After all, you will remember the experience for life. Hiring Lohan will turn it into a nightmare full of bad memories, stress and frustration. Why would you want that.

Lohan's name recognition is not enough to fix the trouble associated with her and she has been losing her acting ability as well. There are hundreds of professional actresses in Hollywood, the British and Canadian film industries, who can act better than Lohan can now. Why not choose one of them - and they'll actually show up on time and not try to play writer and mess up your script.

I was also right about the Liz & Dick project (As Predicted Lindsay Lohan’s Elizabeth Taylor Biopic 'Liz And Dick' Bombs). A year before the film was released, I stated it was a mistake hiring her. However, they did it anyway and went on to suffer for it with poor ratings and reviews.

Once people saw the movie, they gave it horrible reviews and branded it a laughingstock. Lifetime, who is good with television dramas, wasted money on a interesting project made with the wrong actress - Lindsay. I stick to my original assessment. "Liz & Dick" should have been made with Megan Fox. The resemblance is there and she can act well enough to have pulled it off without the film turning into a joke, as it has with Lohan.

But there is a reason some keep hiring Lohan. She is in the Hollywood "Illuminati" as they call themselves. They are the ones, who have been pulling strings to get Lohan work, as she sexually services their male and female members and parties and has kept quiet about the twisted stuff they get up to behind closed doors.