Madonna also known as Frankenstein
I received a tip regarding Madonna's wayward daughter Lourdes. It seems the apple didn't fall far from the tree and the drug taking, cigarette smoking 15-year-old is already sexually active. It's ironic, well, not really, as it was revealed Madonna began having sex at age 15 and with a married 40-year-old school teacher.

Madonna's daughter smoking a cigarette at school at age 14
So while Madonna, who is pushing 60, is out chasing men in their twenties, her daughter is doing the same. If Madonna spent less time chasing men that could be her grandchildren, knocked off the stupid publicity stunts people are ignoring and quit her tour, as she is being booed all over the world anyway, maybe she could spend time actually being a mother, rather than leaving all the work to nannies who can't control her wild children who are following their mom's terrible example.

Madonna and her troubled daughter Lourdes
Another irony is Madonna giving her underage daughter her own place. All she is going to do is engage in smoking, drug taking and promiscuous sex on a greater level than before. However, I was informed, Madonna wants her out of the house, as she sees her as competition, who is younger and attracting male attention that should be on her (keep telling yourself that hulk). The daughter has been complaining about it. She is also of the belief the daughter "wants to be her" and feels threatened by that and is acting accordingly. What kind of mother pushes her underage daughter out of the house to go live a debauched life in a den of iniquity. What a terrible mother.