Chris Brown (I never get tired of that picture LOL)
Model/dancer Karrueche Tran loves living the high life with R&B crooner Chris Brown and does care for him. However, the singer is well aware of another vital fact regarding her, which is one of the reasons he has quietly kept her around, though Rihanna has been demanding he publicly dump her - Tran knows his sex secrets.
Chris and Karrueche have been engaging in threesomes and it has gotten around Hollywood, thanks to the big mouth people they've invited into their bedroom. Tran, who likes smoking weed with Brown, brought home a couple people to engage in threesomes, which is dangerous (STDs).

Karrueche Tran still clowning Rihanna
As stated previously, I was informed Brown prefers Tran sexually to Rihanna, as she's not been around the block as much as the cocaine loving singer, who has slept with many men and women for career favors. Personality wise, I was also informed Tran is nicer and much easier to get along with, as opposed to rage filled Rihanna, who likes to physically fight and smash things when her temper flares up.
Though Tran enjoys the fact Brown has spent a lot of money buying her expensive things, which I am told has upset Rihanna, as she believes she should be on the receiving end of those gifts, Karrueche is actually in love with him as well and sees the presents as a plus. I was informed Karrueche is determined to keep Brown, regardless of what Rihanna says, even if it means behind her back.

Rihanna dressed like a prostitute
Thus far, Tran has been good at keeping her mouth shut, but if she ever did a tell all, watch out. Tran saw, heard and knows a lot about what has really been happening in Brown's life and as it relates to Rihanna. However, I was informed she would rather stay with Brown because she is in love with him, than tell his business (though she could get upwards of $200,000 for a tell all of that magnitude).
Rihanna, however, is a different story. If she and her friends keep dissing Tran online, taking it too far, something's going to come out through a third party and Rihanna is going to be left with egg on her face again. Over to you fivehead.