Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Judiciary Report Did Predict The Unemployment Numbers Would Mysteriously Drop

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama (Photo Credit: AP)

In the September 28, 2012 article GOP In An Uproar Over Polling Houses Querying More Democrats Than Republicans Creating A Bias For Barack Obama the Judiciary Report stated of the U.S. economy under President Barack Obama, "There's no way to pretty it up, unless one releases fake economic data, as former President George W. Bush did, only for his successor to find out the hard way when he attained office that things have been quite bleak, but it was hidden from the public."

One week later that's exactly what happened as the unemployment rate under Obama mysteriously dropped and posted a 29-year record for hiring that is not supported by any verifiable data. Economists are baffled at the report from the Obama Administration,  stating the numbers are not statistically plausible nor do they compute. The nation is still deeply submersed in the financial crisis, yet the Obama Administration is again posting fictional numbers, telling everyone everything is okay, when people can see and feel in their wallets that it is not.

The site knew it was coming and the administration is not helping America with such conduct. Obama pulled a Bush, in trying to cover-up the damage. Bush did it in a failed bid to have a good legacy upon leaving office. Obama did it in a bid to stay in office longer.

However, as the Judiciary Report stated when Bush was in office and launched cover-ups regarding his misconduct and missteps in the area of the economy, doing such a thing only serves to hurt the nation, as there will be a false sense of security, via artificial results, while the people continue to suffer. America needs real solutions. The nation needs real action. Not fraud and fakery while the problems runs along a dangerous and ever worsening course.