Friday, October 5, 2012

President Obama States It Was 'Not The Real Mitt Romney' At The Debate Last Night

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama (Photo Credit: AP)

After a serious verbal trouncing, a shell-shocked President Barack Obama stated of his opponent in last night's presidential election debate, "That was not the real Mitt Romney." Well, who was it then? Mr. Romney, I'd like to see two forms of ID and your birth certificate, please. You too Obama (grin).

I don't know why people are surprised Romney won the debate. The Judiciary Report has consistently stated Romney's business expertise would work in his favor. I've been watching clips of Romney for months and the man has been like a volcano waiting to erupt, angry over the state of the economy, which he blames Obama for.

For months during interviews and town hall speeches, dude was upset and would take a breath before rattling off all the stuff he says Obama has done wrong. What did you guys think was going to happen when Romney finally cornered Obama. Kaboom.

Everything came out at one time, leaving Obama stunned and embarrassed and Democrats dumbfounded, especially at the president, who seemed to be in a daze (see: brain freeze). There were points during the debate that Obama kept looking downward, unable to look Romney in the face, as he enumerated every screw up in office. The Democrats should have seen it coming. It was building up for months.

After Obama's terrible performance last night that has political pundits joking he needs his teleprompter back, the next debate is crucial for him if he is to regain his footing. However, if Romney hammers Obama again on the economy it's lights out, because the issue that matters most to the people right now is the financial crisis.