Felicia Garcia
Beautiful 15-year-old New Yorker, Felicia Garcia, jumped in
front of a train to her death this month, after being bullied on social
networking sites, when word got out she had sex with four football players from
her high school. Her last tweet on Twitter revealed she as at wits end over the
bullying, as she wrote, "I cant, im done, I give up."
The lovely freshman, who was in the foster care system, was like
many young girls today, who want to fit in and choose to emulate sexually
promiscuous pop culture stars (Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Cassie ect)
as a means of achieving that goal, believing it is the way to be liked and
accepted. However, it is not.
Sex is serious, as it forms emotional attachments underage girls
are usually not equipped to deal with. As a matter of fact, many grown women
have difficulties as well when sexual relationships end badly. It just isn't
that simple. Many men have been hurt as well, when someone they love leaves
them. Don't let people use and exploit you for sex or money. You deserve better
than that. You deserve someone who truly loves you and don't let anyone convince
you otherwise.
In Garcia's case, her problems were compounded when the online
bullying began, as classmates allegedly saw a sex tape the football players made
of the sexual encounter with the 15-year-old at a party. It is not yet known if
the tape was made with or without Garcia's consent (legally, she couldn't
consent as a minor anyway) but one thing is certain, she did not want the public
viewing it and was humiliated by the unnecessary and uncalled for taunting from

Felicia Garcia
Under the law, the sex tape is child porn and those responsible
for its filming and dissemination should face criminal charges. Not to mention,
a person is now dead. As the Judiciary Report has stated repeatedly for years,
people should not be able to film or photograph others without their consent, in
states of undress or whilst performing sex acts.
It is a blatant human rights violation. Universally, legislation
needs to be revised in this regard, providing greater legal penalties for
offenders. If a person knew they would have to spend at least 10-years in prison
for such an offense, they'd think twice before doing so and disseminating the
contents of the illegally made material.
Grown men and underage boys have surreptitiously taken photos
and videos of unsuspecting females in states of undress or during sex acts, then
released it to the public, in misguided and unkind attempts at asserting their
manhood. Real men don't do that. Gentlemen don't do that.
To women or men contemplating suicide over photos or sex tapes
that have been made public without your consent, it is not worth taking your
life over. It is not the end of the world. There is still much you can do in
life. Fight to overcome this victimization that was not your fault and never
give up on yourself.