Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Court Documents Reveal The FBI Is Invasively Spying On People In The Occupy Movement


Robert S. Mueller

The ACLU has sued the Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) under the Freedom of Information Act, to obtain government documents the agency holds on the Occupy movement that has been sweeping America. The Occupy movement has peacefully protested the financial corruption in the corporate sector, by men such as News Corp's Rupert Murdoch.

The FBI only released a small portion of the file, withholding 2/3rds of it citing the "national security" cop out, which has nothing to do with protecting the American people, but invoked by the agency as it shows their invasive and illegal prying into the lives of people associated with the Occupy Movement in America. The FBI has also been illegally spying on people in the Occupy Movement in other nations and they have no jurisdiction to do so, violating international law.

The ACLU is displeased with the deceit from the so-called law enforcement agency, which has a criminal history of violating the Freedom of Information Act, even unlawfully moving files out of the office, into a special, unconstitutional "File Room" to thwart any FOIA requests, where the corresponding files contains criminal conduct on the FBI's part.

The Judiciary Report, having experienced the FBI's illegal and despicable tactics firsthand, has broken a number of stories on the agency, including the article regarding the FBI file room and its current usage (The FBI's Secret File Room). At the end of the day, when an agency abuses the Freedom of Information Act so often, the public cease to believe anything they say, branding them corrupt liars engaging in cover-ups.

The FBI's behavior is not about the law or national security. It is about power and money and the control thereof and don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise. The FBI has stooped to extraordinary lows to aid rich people in the corporate sector and politicians in office, in exchange for perks, favors and financial incentives, violating the rights of everyday people in the process. The FBI is not trying to help you. They are a modern day SS, greedily seeking to amass money and power, driven by a devilish need to control the populace, in an agenda set by the worst FBI Director in history, Robert S. Mueller.

Mueller is a depraved elitist that has deranged ideas about money, especially funds and assets that do not belong to him in any measure. But he can keep it up with the criminal conduct. Once exposed to the world for crimes against humanity he has committed, if Congress doesn't lock him up, Mueller is going to run afoul of the American people in ways that he and his family will have to flee the country under a terrible public backlash, for having engaged in secretive criminal conduct that cost many innocent people their lives. Considering how many enemies Mueller has made abroad in the international community, running roughshod over the law enforcement agencies of other nations and threatening world governments into doing his demonic bidding or else, no one is going to grant him refuge.


FBI: Monitoring Occupy was within rules

Updated 9:31 p.m., Monday, September 17, 2012 - The FBI says its newly disclosed surveillance of the Occupy movement in Northern California stayed within federal rules and did not result in "unnecessary intrusions into the lives of law-abiding people."  The American Civil Liberties Union, which obtained FBI surveillance documents on the movement in a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act, wants to know why the agency is withholding nearly two-thirds of the records it says it has, and why it is citing national security as one reason for the nondisclosure. "Why does a political protest amount to a national security threat?" ACLU attorney Linda Lye asked Monday. She said her organization has asked the FBI for specifics on the additional documents and its reasons for withholding them...