Rupert Murdoch
Boastful Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp, went around
bragging that his company was still making lots of money, despite the despicable
phone hacking scandal that has shocked the world. However, the latest
numbers released on News Corp reveal a 55% decline in profits. The company
has also lost over $1.5 billion dollars over the legal wrangling in the
phone hacking scandal.

Murdoch is a madman spying on people and left his employees
to take the fall for him and his corrupt family of criminals, thieves and
perverts. The Murdochs need to be removed from News Corp because they are
going to end up bringing the company down and into financial ruination.
If the shareholders don't want to accept that, they are going to lose their
money. A time is coming when News Corp is going to collapse under the
weight of the Murdoch family's sins against the public, the full extent of
which has not been revealed yet (but will be).