37-year-old Scott Smith was arrested in Cleveland, Ohio,
after entering a movie theatre showing the violent film "The Dark
Knight Rises" with a gun (9mm Glock), ammunition and four knives. An
off duty police officer doing security at the cinema became
suspicious when Smith brought a large bag into the venue and sat with his
back to the wall at the very back of the cinema.

"The Dark Knight Rises" starring Christian Bale
He was arrested shortly after and police discovered Smith
was not licensed to carry a gun. A search of his home revealed more guns,
ammunition, gas masks and bullet proof vests. This marks the third security alert that
has occurred in America at a showing of the "Dark Knight Rises."
Previously, a fight and stampede broke out in one theatre and threats were
exchanged, while in another incident, shots were fired outside the theatre.
In Mexico, a masked gunman robbed two theatres showing "The Dark
Knight Rises."