Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Madonna Sued By The Russian Government For $10,000,000

I saw this photo on another site with the title "Madonna You Got Old Demotivational poster." So rough looking she broke Photoshop and made it quit.

Madwoman Madonna has been sued for $10,000,000 by the Russian government in St Petersburg, for defying their laws against images of homosexuality. Her conduct is quite hypocritical, as her cult Kabbalah hates homosexuality and maintains it is evil. She is also being threatened with another lawsuit in France, for defamation of character, regarding French politician, Marine Le Pen, who has already sued the attention seeking, washed up, former pop star.

I was told a U.S. government official referred to Madonna as a "mischievous idiot" for her international trouble making schemes for publicly that are being viewed quite negatively. Their patience is wearing thin with her, because she's caused them problems they did not care for and as one person put it, "More trouble than any other celebrity."