When Diving Goes Wrong

Stephan Feck
Feck leapt into the air, but lost control
like a bird hitting a glass wall, crashing into the pool back first (hey, I
can do that).
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the back flop.
Aw that had to hurt. Cheer up. It wasn't so bad (yes, it was). The
video has gone viral.

Stephan Feck's epic wipeout scored all zeros
Side Bar: I'm just teasing you, Mr. Feck. Hopefully
things will go better for you next time. In all honesty, yours was my
favorite dive of the entire competition (for all the wrong reasons). As a
woman from the nation that gave the world the Jamaican Bobsled team (it
wasn't always gold medals with Bolt and Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce), I
encourage you to look at it this way. The Jamaican Bobsled Team wiped out
like you did, but parlayed it into lucrative endorsement deals and a hit
film, becoming the most famous group in the sport. Think about that and get
yourself an agent.