Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Singer Usher Was Noticeably Absent From His Stepson's Funeral Fueling Rumors He Was Not Wanted There

Tameka Foster at her son's funeral in Atlanta, Georgia this past weekend (Photo Credit: Splash)

R&B singer, Usher Raymond, is the subject of claims today that he was asked not to attend the funeral of his 11-year-ols stepson, Kile Glover, who died in a tragic jet ski accident in Atlanta, Georgia. Some are stating his ex-wife, Glover's mother, Tameka Foster, blames him for the tragedy that befell her, though he was nowhere near the scene of the accident.

Usher was spotted in Los Angeles, California (Photo Credit: Splash) 
Foster does not understand why this happened and does not appreciate people on social networking sites and message boards claiming it was bad karma. People are being very unkind to her, bringing up her past misdeeds and her adulterous pursuit of Raymond, whom she left her husband to marry.   

Usher in Los Angeles, California with girlfriend Gracie Miguel, one of the women he cheated on Tameka Foster with, after she cheated on her husband with him (Photo Credit: Splash)

When Usher and Tameka got together, she was still married to Kile's father, Ryan Glover, who was devastated by the affair. At the time, her husband was very angry over the high profile, adulterous affair and began asking people in the entertainment industry for proof thereof to use in court. 

Tameka Raymond (wearing a Kabbalah bracelet) and Kile Glover

Glover and Foster were divorced shortly after and she wed Raymond, whom she had known for several years, against his mother's wishes. However, their marriage ended in divorce two years later, in a split that was so bitter, the feuding and fighting  over money made the news.