Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Justin Bieber Paparazzi Chase Case Said To Be Strong

But Paparazzo's Lawyer States Otherwise


Justin Bieber

Prosecutors in Los Angeles believe they have a strong case against paparazzo, Paul Raef, 30, who chased 18-year-old pop singer, Justin Bieber, down a stretch of highway in California. He has been hit with three charges for aggressively pursuing the teen, in a manner that is in essence stalking.

Police questioning Justin Bieber about the incident

However, Raef's attorney Dmitry Gorin told the Los Angeles Times, ""According to media reports, in his 911 radio call, Mr. Bieber specifically denies that it was a Toyota RAV4 that was following him, nor does he specifically identify Mr. Raef. It does not appear that investigating officers ever personally observed Mr. Raef driving recklessly nor following Mr. Bieber."

Justin Bieber pulled over for speeding from paparazzi

Next time Bieber should do the safe thing and pull over, then call the police for assistance. He nor anyone else, should allow others to engage them in a high speed chase, lest it ends in tragedy like the terrible accident that claimed Princess Diana's life.