Brooks and wife Rebekah Brooks
background: this is another in the series of phone hacking
articles the Judiciary Report has published, regarding a scandal I broke
first in October 2005, via a police
complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England.
people have been arrested by the
Metropolitan Police since the time I filed
the complaint. However, the Murdochs and other key conspirators
remain free
and the FBI has not arrested anyone, though the crimes began and
in News Corp's New York headquarters]
The British government
has charged eight of Rupert Murdoch's
employees at News International, the
newspaper subsidiary of his greedy,
lawbreaking News Corp. Among those charged are two of his former
top executives
that recently quit, Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, as well as
Kuttner, Glenn Mulcaire, Greg Miskiw, Ian Edmondson, Neville
Thurlbeck and
James Weatherup. They face 19 conspiracy charges of phone hacking 600
people, including teenage murder victim Milly Dowler.

Coulson, addressed the press yesterday outside
his South London home (Photo Credit: Reuters)
Brooks, who was charged with
conspiracy to pervert the course of
justice, has been charged once again. The same regarding Coulson,
who was
charged weeks ago in a related matter. In short, working for
Rupert Murdoch will ruin your life. The orders came straight from
the top,
via the Murdoch family and they should not have followed

This is why Murdoch abruptly
resigned from News International two days
ago. Knowing him, he illegally got wind of the fact eight of his
top employees
were going to be charged with serious crimes. Nice way to abandon
the ship
when crisis strikes. The ironic part is, you, I and others know,
this was
all your idea, Murdoch. But don't breathe a sigh of relief just
yet. Very
serious legal trouble is coming.