A still from the "Dark Knight" with
Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway
The first lawsuit stemming from the mass shooting in
Aurora, Colorado, at a screening of Batman 'The Dark Knight Rises'
has been
filed. Yesterday, Torrence Brown, Jr., who attended the movie during the
shooting spree and saw his friend A.J. Boik shot dead, has retained
Donald Karpel, to file suit on his behalf.

Mass murderer James Holmes and his public
defender attorney, Tamara
states something the Judiciary Report wrote from day
one, the violence factor in the film would lead to Warner Bros
being sued,
as the gunman, James Holmes, mimicked what he saw in the studios
films and
an accompanying Batman comic of the same name.

Brown (Photo Credit: TMZ)
There's been an ongoing
competition in Hollywood to outdo
each other on whose works can be the most violent, graphic, sexual
and or controversial.
It has been a descent into madness and mental illness in Hollywood.
Judiciary Report has been warning Hollywood for nearly four years
to tone
down the graphic violence, among other things, in their films, as
members of the public would try to recreate it, but no one listened
and now
the worst has happened.