Rupert Murdoch
This week's Leveson hearings, into the British leg of the
News Corp phone hacking scandal, revealed CEO, Rupert Murdoch, has tried to
control several prime ministers, for the benefit of his company. He has
attempted to do the same in other nations, such as his native Australia and
America, where he also holds citizenship, for the benefit of owning
television stations, as required by U.S. law.
Murdoch is an arrogant, greedy, repugnant man to think
nations should be run for his benefit and that of his crooked company and
not in the best interest of the populace of each respective country. He
deserves to be imprisoned for theft, fraud, blackmail, extortion, accessing
national secrets through deceitful means, wiretapping, hacking,
stalking and for being so eye-wateringly unattractive (he
wasn't hot when he was younger either).
The man looks like Dr. Evil. Wouldn't it be funny if that's who the character
in the movie was based on.