FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
FBI Director Robert S. Mueller is never one for following
international law or respecting other nation's sovereignty. Time and
time again he is rebuffed in the international community for breaking
the law in other nations. Well, he has done it again.
Attorneys for New Zealand based, Kim Dotcom, the man behind the
website Megaupload, have filed legal papers in court, stating the FBI
broke international law, by copying and taking files from his computers
out of the country and into the United States, when the case is not in
American jurisdiction.
New Zealand authorities arrested Kim Dotcom, on the request of the
FBI, as his website Megaupload, has been accused of copyright
infringement and piracy. Megaupload was subsequently taken offline by
the police. The FBI acted illegally in copying the files and taking them
back to the agency in America. The FBI's conduct constitutes hacking and
data theft, both felonies under the law.
The Judiciary Report does not agree with hacking, copyright
infringement, piracy or data theft. Megaupload engaged in many
violations of domestic and international copyrights, via the
unauthorized hosting of copyrighted films, television shows, music and
software, in their entirety, in acts that are not protected under the
Fair Use section of the Copyright Act (US law) or any portion of the
Berne Treaty (international law).
It should also be noted, if the FBI is going to claim they are a law
enforcement agency, they need to stop hypocritically breaking the law at
every turn, engaging in
criminal copyright infringement, data theft and hacking. No one
respects that from anyone. Just because the FBI is a so-called law
enforcement agency, does not make its employees above the law.
It's amazing that when people like Rupert Murdoch at News Corp and
Madonna in Kabbalah criminally steal copyrighted works, the FBI director
covers for them, due to bribery. But when an everyday person does it the
agency tries to destroy them for it. Once again, hypocrites and no one
respects that.
There is also a matter pointed out by the RT website, regarding the
FBI seizing the Megaupload website/domain, without filing charges
against the company or serving its owners (due process and process
service). This is another black mark on the FBI and its parent
agency, the Department of Justice.
Note to Kim Dotcom: if you wanted to get out of the charges,
you should have bribed Mueller, as my
unimpeachable sources state the going rate is