Friday, June 8, 2012

More Evidence Surfaces Implicating Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder In Serious Crime


Eric Holder and Barack Obama
CBS News and the Beaufort Observer are reporting, Congressman Darrell Issa, is in possession of wiretap evidence indicating President Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder and other top officials at the Department of Justice, knew of the illegal gunwalking operation "Fast And Furious" which entails the DOJ smuggling illegal, sophisticated, high powered guns to drug cartels in Mexico. Some of those weapons ended up killing two U.S. Border Patrol agents, who were just doing their jobs and hundreds of innocent Mexican civilians.

Many are calling for Holder's resignation. This is a call that has been renewed with the latest development regarding wiretap evidence showing guilt. Holder went into Congress and criminally lied about the illegal "Fast And Furious" operation, dishonoring the dead. 

Eric Holder and his longsuffering wife, Sharon Malone, whom he has cheated on with different women. Hey, you use wiretaps to get your information, but the Judiciary Report uses talking traps, as in sources with mouths, who freely talk/speak what they know.  

These misdeeds committed by Holder and members of his staff at the Department of Justice, constitute contempt of Congress and perjury, in addition to mass manslaughter in the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. 

Holder and the guilty parties at the Department of Justice need to man up and accept the consequences for their criminal conduct. If they had not criminally trafficked said weapons, several hundred victims would not have been brutally murdered. There's no way around it. They are culpable.