Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rupert Murdoch's Right Hand Man Andy Coulson Arrested And Charged With Perjury In Phone Hacking Scandal

Andy Coulson arrested again

The police are closing in on Rupert Murdoch's circle of business associates and friends. First Rebekah Brooks was arrested twice, then charged. Now former News International/News Corp executive, Andy Coulson, who was another of Rupert Murdoch's key employees before resigning, has been arrested for a second time in the phone hacking case and charged with perjury. 

Coulson was arrested at his luxury South London home and taken to a "high security" police station in Scotland. The Judiciary Report wrote about Coulson on the site a few weeks ago after encountering him in public (News Corp's Andy Coulson From The Phone Hacking Scandal Is Struggling With Mental Illness).

Rupert Murdoch thinks he's so hot. He's so wrong.

This latest arrest stems from Coulson lying in court, regarding British politician Tommy Sheridan, in a case that directly involves the current phone hacking scandal. It is clear the Metropolitan Police are not amused by the damage the case has caused them. Coulson and Brooks need to start cooperating and maybe the police and prosecution will go easier on them.

Once again, Murdoch is not worth this grief and the prospect of prison and financial loss. It's time to speak up and stop covering for him.The Judiciary Report knows Murdoch and others in his clandestine Kabbalah cult, are the ringleaders behind the phone hacking scandal, having learned these criminal ways from convicted private investigator and Mafioso, Anthony Pellicano. However, Brooks and Coulson, among others, never should have trusted Murdoch and co. and went along with it.