Tuesday, May 8, 2012

People Are Comparing Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" To Justin Timberlake And NSYNC's "Girlfriend"

Copyright Infringement

Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" (2012)

Many websites are comparing Justine Bieber's new music video "Boyfriend" to NSYNC's video from 10-years ago "Girlfriend." Even the titles and the sound of the songs are similar. For his transition into adulthood in the music industry, Bieber is being patterned after Justin Timberlake, who previously dissed him on the television show "Saturday Night Live." It was ironic, as Timberlake tried to sign Bieber to a record deal, but Usher beat him to the punch.

NSYNC's "Girlfriend" (2002)

Bieber recently stated he has not seen the NYSNC video for "Girlfriend" but lightning is going to strike the little booger for lying. Even I saw a clip of it years ago and I'm not a Timberlake fan (though I did think NSYNC's music was better than his unoriginal solo material). This is not the best way for Bieber to start off his sophomore album, as critics will be brutal over the copying. Trying to make Justin Bieber the new Justin Timberlake is a bad idea for his credibility, as critics look for originality.