Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The FBI Is Wrong To Promote J. Edgar Hoover After What He Did To Martin Luther King Jr.

Former cross-dressing FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (left)

The clandestine FBI continues its offensive promotion of the late J. Edgar Hoover, a man that terrorized Americans for decades, during his reign of terror as head of the FBI (Public Slams FBI's Planned J. Edgar Hoover Museum). It is because of Hoover, term limits were placed on FBI Directors, something one of his latter lawbreaking successors, Robert S. Mueller, has managed to flout, in violation of U.S. law. 

During his time as head of the FBI, Hoover turned a blind eye to the harassment and murder of blacks and other minorities. He corrupted many court cases with tainted evidence. He illegally amassed a  porn collection of very young stars, who were furious, as he used it to blackmail them. 

Martin Luther King Jr.

Many people, including former FBI agents have revealed, Hoover ordered the assassination of civil rights legend, Martin Luther King Jr. Hoover terrorized, perversely spied on, arrested, threatened and slurred King with terrible racial epithets. Hoover even wrote King a nasty condemnatory letter, wrongly telling him to commit suicide, on the eve of the African-American hero accepting a Nobel prize. 

Deranged Hoover, so consumed with hatred, jealousy, racism and rage, was furious that a "nig*er" he despised for preaching the Gospel and the fact God sees blacks and whites as equal, was to receive this prestigious international award. In Hoover's estimation a "nig*er" was not worthy to possess such a great award. To this day, world history reviles Hoover as a terrible human being and an abomination, while King is remembered very fondly.  

The J. Edgar Hoover reboot, FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller

Yet this is the monster the FBI is inexplicably celebrating on their website this week. There is even a building named after Hoover, who had a hand in the brutal murder of the great Martin Luther King Jr. That should let you know how the FBI feels about race. They haven't changed one bit and I can and will testify to that firsthand.

King has served as a great inspiration to me for many years, because I subscribe to the doctrine that all men and women are created equal in the sight of God, regardless of color or country of origin. This is a lesson the FBI has yet to learn. The horrible racial hatred driving the FBI shall be the same force that causes it closure under a cloud of enormous shame and disgrace.