Rupert Murdoch, Wendi Murdoch and their daughters
The latest appalling detail to come out of the News Corp phone hacking scandal reveals, the company and its CEO, Rupert Murdoch, hired private investigators to secretly spy on the lawyers (solicitors) representing victims of phone hacking and hacking. One of the lawyers underage kids was spied on and filmed as well.
This nastiness and morally repugnant approach to business is emblematic of how Rupert Murdoch and News Corp do business and it is sick. Murdoch should be thankful it is a lawyer with a view of the law, as men have beat others for less concerning their underage daughters.
The site is not encouraging violence, as it is wrong, but laying out the facts, regarding this sick company that so likes to violate and provoke innocent people to anger. Bad enough stalking and filming adults, why were you filming people's underage children.
Did nothing within you stop for one moment and think, "This is wrong. I should not do this." Are you that evil. You do realize that in certain places of the world, a cop sees you lingering around minors and secretly filming them and you would get arrested for being a sexual predator.
I greatly dislike this emphasis News Corp has on violating the privacy and rights of minors, deceased and living. After all, News Corp was outed this year for criminally hacking the phone of children, who were murder victims, sending police investigations in the wrong direction. There’s a serious problem there why this keeps happening. News Corp has a sick fixation with spying on kids. Murdoch wouldn’t like it if some grubby, lawbreaking, morally challenged private investigator invaded the privacy of his preteen daughters and filmed them everywhere they went.
Side Bar: By the way, I heard from a very reliable source that Murdoch’s third wife Wendi wants to divorce him, as she cannot take the disgrace and public anger being heaped on the family over the terrible phone hacking and hacking scandal.
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