Barack Obama
According to the New York Post, U.S. President Barack Obama, is behind the massive sexual harassment smear campaign that has been initiated against Republican rival, Herman Cain, who has become the most popular black politician in America. Cain denies all the allegations.
Herman Cain
One of Cain’s main accusers, a woman named, Karen Kraushaar, is a member of the Obama Administration. That’s right. She’s on Obama’s payroll, which is creating credibility issues that are being filed under a conflict of interest. It was also discovered she has repeatedly filed sexual harassment claims for compensation against several people, with different employers. Cain’s first accuser, Sharon Bialek, has been discredited as a woman that came on to him at a hotel. There is reportedly another woman accusing Cain of sexual harassment, but she is anonymous at this time.
Karen Kraushaar
The Judiciary Report does not seek to make it difficult for women in society filing legitimate sexual harassment claims, by automatically siding with the public figure being accused, as sometimes the claims against prominent people really are credible. For example, the site does believe the longstanding allegations of sexual harassment against Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas. The site also believes claims against other public figures, such as actor Steven Seagal.
Sharon Bialek
However, regarding the current allegations against Cain, more information is needed. There are discrepancies in the women’s stories that need to be explored in greater detail to get an accurate view of what really transpired. Right now there’s a lot of "he said, she said."
One woman who accused Cain of sexual harassment now works for Obama