Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Movie Review - Never Say Never

Title: Never Say Never

Year Of Release: 2011

Review Date: May 31, 2011

Rating: PG

Running time: 105 minutes

Box Office Gross: $98,111,669

Site Rating: 5 out of 10 stars

"Never Say Never" is the bio documentary of 17-year-old Canadian sensation Justin Bieber. The film includes footage of Bieber as a child (no, younger than he is now) and charts his rise to fame that literally happened in the space of one year.

The childhood footage of Bieber is absolutely adorable. He was a beautiful baby and sweet toddler. The documentary features guest appearances by Usher, Miley Cyrus and Sean Kingston, in the lead up to Bieber‘s sold out concert at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

In watching Bieber, one can’t help but be concerned he will fall into the pitfalls of fame, such as promiscuous sex, drugs, alcohol and cults, which are ever present in Hollywood. However, if he stays true to his small town roots and keeps his feet rooted in the faith, he will not go astray. Anything less and Hollywood will gobble him up and destroy him, as it has done to so many child stars before him.