Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obama's Failures

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

A website called the Baltimore Chronicle has outlined a stunning list of U.S. President Barack Obama's failures in office and its a doozey. With less than two years to go before the nation votes in the next election, Obama may want to go over the list and take stock of his presidency.


Obama Year Two: Continued Betrayal and Failure (Part I)

Monday, 27 December 2010 - The opposite of a yesteryear Democrat, Obama maintained a 30 year agenda of shifting public wealth to the rich, as well as supporting capital, not public welfare, including targeting middle class households for destruction.

In year two, the pattern continued, revealing domestic and foreign policies that:

* outdid George Bush by exceeding his harshness, lawlessness, belligerency, and public trust betrayal;

* maintained a 30 year agenda of shifting public wealth to the rich, as well as supporting capital, not public welfare, including targeting middle class households for destruction;

* looted the nation's wealth, wrecked the economy, and consigned growing millions to impoverishment without jobs, homes, savings, social services, or futures;

* let hunger, homelessness, poverty, and those uninsured grow to unacceptable levels;

* backed Wall Street's financial coup d'etat by greater Fed empowerment, as well as institutionalizing speculation, "too-big-to fail," super-wealth, and big money power;

* plans new global monetary measures to control the world's money;

* continued America's permanent war agenda by expanding imperial adventurism, increasing covert and overt aggression on new fronts with out-of-control military spending, exceeding the rest of the world combined at a time America has no enemies;

* became the latest war criminal Nobel Peace Prize recipient;

* executed his first successful coup d'etat in Honduras against its democratically elected president, then backed the fascist regime replacing him;

* failed attempting regime change in Iran;

* continued providing military, economic and political aid to the world's most ruthless, corrupt despots;

* maintained a longstanding policy of supplying Israel with annual billions, more on request, other add-ons and extras, interest-free loans, the latest weapons, munitions and technology, unrestricted US market access, free entry of its immigrants, and unbridled support for its illegal belligerence, occupation, and crimes of war and against humanity;

* presides over a bogus democracy under a homeland police state apparatus, sacrificing due process, judicial fairness, and other civil liberty protections in the name of national security;

* continued torture as official policy, extraordinary rendition to prison he*lholes, and for the first time, targeted US citizens for assassination;

* invoked the state secrets privilege to prevent lawsuits by victims of rendition, torture, abuse, and those opposing warrantless wiretapping;

* targets whisleblowers, dissenters, Muslims, environmental and animal rights activists, anyone challenging state power, and civil rights lawyers who defend them too vigorously called terrorists or threats to national security;

* endorsed preventive detention without charge for those at Guantanamo considered dangerous, but no evidence allows prosecuting them;

* expanded Bush administration spying and secrecy;

* refused to prosecute its officials, suppressing proof of their culpability;

* planned cybersecurity tyranny, threatening a free and open Internet, consumer privacy, and civil liberties; more on how below;

* waged war on organized labor through fewer jobs, less pay, reduced benefits, and gutted work rules, including health and safety on-the-job protections;

* tried controlling the media more aggressively than Nixon;

* denied budget-strapped states financial help, forcing them to slash welfare programs, education, health care for the poor, and other vital services when they're most needed;

* continued to commodify public education, end government responsibility for it, and make it another business profit center;

* promoted dangerous vaccines for a non-existent threat;

* promoted health care legislation that rations care; enriches insurers, drug giants and large hospital chains; places profits above human need; and keeps a dysfunctional system in place; Peter Singer's July 15, 2009 New York Times article endorsed administration policy, headlined: "Why We Must Ration Health Care," saying it's essential to apportion a "scarce resource" to those who can afford it; others will get only what they can pay for;

* on the pretext of improving food safety, enacted agribusiness-friendly House legislation, harming consumers, small farms and food producers without improving America's industrial food system; on November 30, the Senate passed its own version; more on that below;

* wants so far not passed legislation to let corporate polluters reap huge windfall profits by raising energy cost, while creating a speculative bonanza through a new carbon trading derivatives scheme;

* cracks down harder on undocumented immigrants than George Bush, deporting a record number in FY 2010; others are held in over 300 detention facilities in nearly every state in the country, treated like criminals or terrorists; and

* promoted a national ID card for all citizens and legal residents to be able to monitor them everywhere at all times.