FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
Thousands of New York FBI agents took the day off due to snow, while other Federal workers busted their butts to get to work, prompting the New York Post to slam their lazy behavior. It's ironic that the FBI states it will defeat terrorists, after letting a number of attacks through, due to criminal negligence, yet can't beat snow.
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Feds pull another snow job
Last Updated: 2:39 AM, December 28, 2010 - It was another snow day for most of New York City's G-men -- including the FBI -- who were told to stay home while police and firefighters had to brave yesterday's blizzard. The New York City Federal Executive Board issued a statement by e-mail and Twitter on Sunday evening informing all nonessential employees that they need not come in yesterday.
After a March 2009 storm, the FBI came under fire when The Post disclosed that nearly 2,000 agents and support staff were given a snow day while much of the rest of the city had to trudge into work.