Afshan Azad
British actress, Afshan Azad, who has starred in "Harry Potter" films, was beaten and labeled a "prostitute" by her dad, Abdul Azad and brother, Ashraf Azad, for dating a non-Muslim. The pretty young actress, made a comfortable life for her family in Manchester, England, via her filmwork, but they became enraged when she began dating a Hindu man.
Her brother attacked her for allegedly being a "slut" and complained to their dad. During the attack, which is an attempted "honor killing" one of her brothers shouted "Just kill her." Wow! That must have devastated her. To have one's family turn on one like that is awful. Religion should never turn you against your family to the point killing them becomes an option. That is ungodly and wrong.
Azad's dad volunteered to kill her, to protect his sons, which prompted the young actress to flee through her bedroom window. Her dad and brother's conduct is violent, racist and constitutes unfair and cruel treatment of a young woman that embraced someone of another culture. Thankfully, she was not killed during the assault.
Azad's testimony was read in court today, in spite of the fact she tried to retract it, regarding what had to be a traumatic experience. It takes a lot to testify against one's own flesh and blood, which is clearly a difficult and conflicting decision. However, her family's conduct has to be reined in, as it poses a threat to her very life.
Harry Potter Actress In Attempted Honor Killing - Part 2