Perrish Cox
There are discrepancies in the rape case regarding Denver Broncos football player, Perrish Cox. The alleged victim, nude model, Camille Washington, waited many days to file the complaint that lacks evidence and is being disputed by Cox and industry sources.
Washington has a reputation for dating athletes, but became disgruntled when wealthy Cox used her for a sexual fling, then showed no continued interest. It is colloquially and crassly known as a "booty call." However, Washington thought her ship had come in, via a rich and famous football player.
When men see women posing nude in photos, videos and or online, it generates a lower level of respect and in some cases none at all. It can lead to heartbreaking situations, when one is not considered marriage material, only suitable for casual sex.
Prosecutors have their work cut out for them in proving this case, due to Washington's past with other athletes, her career path in posing nude and the lack of evidence present in the complaint. Juries are often skeptical in such cases, as credibility issues come into play. Cox is facing life in prison over the alleged incident.
Rape is a serious crime and not one to be invoked in gaining revenge against a man. It makes it that much harder for victims to come forward and be believed. So many women have been brutally raped, deserve to be heard and for justice to be served.
Camille Washington
In Britain, the government has taken to jailing women, who file false rape claims. Recently, a nude model in Britain, Samantha Merry, filed a false rape claim against an innocent man, to settle a drug debt with her dealer, who hated him. If it were not for CCTV footage showing the accused in a store at the time of the alleged rape in the complaint filed by the model, an innocent man would have continued to rot in prison for years.
Merry has been sentenced to 18-months in prison, to experience what she put an innocent man through and ordered to pay thousands of dollars in fines to reimburse police for investigating a case she fraudulently concocted.
In another case, a woman, Sabrina Johnson, went against the advice of friends, drank too much and on her way home, was propositioned by three men in a park. She followed them to an apartment, where they videotaped her consent to fellatio, using a mobile phone video camera, before she performed said sex act on each of them.
She later cried rape and the men were arrested. However, one of the men presented a video, revealing she consented on camera, which cleared them of the charges and got the complainant into legal trouble. The judge and police were not amused with what had transpired and held her responsible.
Men and women need to take responsibility for their sex lives and refrain from being reckless. Regardless of one's sex, it is irresponsible to get drunk, then engage in sexual activity. You are placing yourself in harm's way. Care about yourself enough to not become inebriated, especially in the company of people you do not know. Moderation is key and promiscuous sex is dangerous and morally unsound.
Footballer Perrish Cox Facing Life In Prison On Rape Claims
Denver Broncos' Perrish Cox Facing Life in Prison for Rape Charge
Drug addict jailed after crying rape
Mum-to-be Sabrina Johnson jailed for a year for crying rape