Friday, December 24, 2010

The Government Was Complicit In R. Allen Stanford's Crimes

R. Allen Stanford

The Judiciary Report has been proven right again in another exclusive claim. The Judiciary Report contended on May 2, 2009, that the U.S. government knew of R. Allen Stanford's ponzi scheme years in advance, yet looked the other way to the corruption, knowing it was damaging thousands of innocent people, who lost their life savings (R. Allen Stanford Double Life).

A U.S. State Department cable, leaked THIS WEEK by Wikileaks, reveals the government knew what was going on for YEARS and did nothing to stop it. Under domestic and international law, the U.S. government was bound and obligated to charge, detain and prosecute Stanford, as a citizen of the United States, engaging in criminal breaches of local and foreign law.

R. Allen Stanford after he was beaten in prison and rushed to the hospital

However, due to Stanford's ties to former President, George W. Bush, ensconced in office at the time, the State Department and FBI, who by law should have brought him in, allowed him to reek havoc on the finances of hard working everyday people in America and the Caribbean.

The Judiciary Report was also the first site to state, the FBI and SEC, knew of the egregious crimes of ponzi schemer, Bernard Madoff, but looked the other way to it for years, which compounded the damage (S.E.C. Ignored Warnings About Madoff). Weeks after the Judiciary Report published the aforementioned article (Madoff’s Madness), the site was proven correct, when reports surfaced in the mainstream press, illustrating the fact the federal government had received detailed and credible complaints listing Madoff's crimes, as early as 1998, but looked the other way.

The government did this, as Madoff was deemed too big to fail and too important to go to prison. It wasn't until Santander Bank in Spain informed the ponzi schemer they would be sending a contingent to New York, regarding their investment with his company, that Madoff came clean and concocted a plan to have his sons, via them turning him in as clueless victims, to save themselves from prison.

The U.S. government is also hiding another fact - there is still another Madoff lurking in the corporate sector that they are refusing to bring in, as he is well connected in Washington, due to the money that illegally sprang from his crimes. No one in their right mind would call that success.


Madoff’s Madness

S.E.C. Ignored Warnings About Madoff

Another Madoff Surfaces

Weekend At Bernie Madoff's


WikiLeaks cables: US suspected Allen Stanford long before ECB deal