Friday, December 31, 2010

Film Review: Richie Rich's Christmas Wish

Title: Richie Rich's Christmas Wish

Year Of Release: 1998

Review Date: December 31, 2010

Rating: PG

Running Time: 84 minutes

Box Office Gross: N/A

Site Rating: 3 out of 10 stars

Seeking to capitalize on the first Richie Rich movie, starring "Home Alone" actor, Macaulay Culkin, Warner Bros made "Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish." The movie was a "Home Alone" clone, featuring a kid making a wish he was not in his family and things going wrong along that path thereafter.

Richie wishes he was not apart of his family, via a "wishing machine" (as opposed to a washing machine) and it happens. It places him in a terrible predicament, as he is given the opportunity to view the deterioration of his hometown, with him not having born, a la "It's A Wonderful Life."

One moment the film is like "Home Alone" and the next it turns into "Back To The Future" and "It's A Wonderful Life." These are the hallmarks of a screenplay writer devoid of ideas. This movie became a mess very fast. It kept circling one into boredom, rather than being a source of entertainment.

The film was full of slick stunts, gimmickry and gadgetry, but lacked a basic story line of any substantive quality. It turned cheesy at many intervals with items that were corny and not funny.