Friday, October 15, 2010

The American Way Of Life Is Changing

Barack Obama

Due to the financial depression created by former President, George W. Bush, which exploded in 2008 and has been propagated by incumbent, current Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama, the American way of life is changing and not for the better.

Historic, storied American businesses, many of which had an international arm, have collapsed. America's international credit rating has been greatly damaged, with investors rethinking investments in the country, due to various ponzi schemes and financial fraud scams that defrauded many people.

George W. Bush

Many nations and financial organizations are calling for the abandonment of the U.S. dollar as the international currency of the world, due to the massive, ongoing financial crisis in America, which has led to the collapse of hundreds of banks. Million of homes have been placed in foreclosure, at a rate never seen before in the country. A record number of Americans are also on food stamps.

Urban decay is prompting the bulldozing of abandoned and foreclosed structures in America, some of them historic. The U.S. Post Office, a symbol of Americana, is so in the red, they’ve had to remove mail boxes from streets all over the nation, due to pick up costs. America has been turned upside down, with a number of negative changes the government has failed to fix.