Paris Hilton in court today giving her best look of disdain
Smug, spoiled, untalented, Hollywood trollop, Paris Hilton, made an appearance in a Las Vegas, Nevada court today, to plead guilty to cocaine possession and lying to a police officer. Hilton do so in exchange for one year on probation, 200 hours of community service and rehab, which she so desperately needs, as she is a full-fledged drug addict and alcoholic, with a side order of Kabbalah induced mental illness.
Hilton sported a smug and condescending look on her face, as if she believes she is too good to be in court to address her criminal misconduct. She should be happy she only received a proverbial slap on the wrist. However, the unofficial Valtrex spokeswoman, is clearly incensed she had to take her lazy backside out of bed to avoid jail.