Uncle Sam Richard Wants You...Dead!
Disgraced former U.S. President, Richard Nixon, who left office under a cloud of shame, has been exposed as a man that so abused his invested power, as Commander-in-Chief, he plotted with the FBI to have an outspoken, widely read journalist killed.
The late Jack Anderson, had a column that exposed corruption in Washington. He unleashed many political scandals, which infuriated Nixon. However, Anderson's conduct was all lawful and can be categorized as whistle blowing.
Jack Anderson
So obsessed with Anderson was Nixon, he sought the FBI's assistance in having Anderson viciously murdered, via discretely poisoning the writer. After all, the FBI is the agency that assassinated Martin Luther King jr.
Another plan bantered about was to "discredit" Anderson by spreading rumors "he is a homosexual." Neither plan materialized, as Nixon fled office in disgrace, due to the Watergate scandal, which involved illegal wiretapping. Nixon must be related to George W. Bush.
U.S. President Barack Obama
Journalists and bloggers are now drawing comparisons between Nixon and Jack Anderson, with Barack Obama and the Wikileaks website founder, Julian Assange.
Assange leaked classified U.S. government war documents, revealing the terrible fact, civilians in Afghanistan are being killed at a terrible rate, in acts of unprovoked violence and criminal negligence.
Wikileaks' Julian Assange
Shortly after the widely publicized leak, Assange was mysteriously and conveniently accused of rape, by two women, whose claims sound very dubious. They are stating they had "consensual sex" with Assange, but he was "rough." How is that rape if you admitted it was consensual.
Obama is treading a very slippery slope, as his Administration is actively seeking to destroy Assange, with some politicians publicly speaking of having him assassinated, which is un-American and criminal. They state Assange is endangering U.S. soldiers in Middle East with the web leaks, but the U.S. government is greatly endangering scores of Afghan civilians, including children, who have died after being bombed. How can this be the right way?