Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hillary Clinton States America Must Lead The World

...But No Nation Need Lead Any Other

Hillary Clinton (left)

U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, gave a very misguided and dictatorial speech recently, which did not sit well with many. Clinton stated, "The U.S. can, must and will lead in this century. The 'complexities of this world' mean there's an opening for 'a new American moment, a moment when our global leadership is essential.'"

After the widespread villainy former president, George W. Bush, engaged in, the world ceases to take the White House at face value anymore. So much damage has been done to the nation and world, due to Bush and the corporate sector, that he allowed to wreak havoc, in order to enrich the already rich, which is greed. As a result, the world has cast a suspicious eye over Washington.

George W. Bush

The reason for this doubt is due to the aforementioned, massive abuse of trust that occurred, when George W. Bush lied to the world about a number of things. Bush's deceit encompassed lies about Weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq, rendition, torture (by the CIA and FBI), Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame, Dr. David Kelly, the President's thieving cronies Bernard Madoff, R. Allen Stanford and Ken Lay (Enron) and ultimately, the 2008 financial crisis that was steadily brewing during his tenure, squarely due to the bad choices he made, in what he allowed in the corporate sector that damaged the world's economy as a whole.

The Judiciary Report is of the belief, it is time each country of the world charts its own course, decides its own direction and independently chooses the political and financial path they wish to take. Each nation must work hard and act in its own best interest. The world should function like a watch, independent moving parts, working together at optimum speed.


Hillary Clinton sends strong message to world

Hillary Clinton says deficit sends message of weakness