FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
The U.S. FBI is being investigated by the Government Accountability Office, due to the agency's thoroughly slammed Anthrax Investigation, into scientist, Bruce Ivins. The FBI claimed Ivins sent letters to members of Congress, which contained deadly anthrax. The agency set out to prove it and poorly so.
Many scientists have come forward slamming the FBI, discrediting their investigation and the accompanying form of science the agency crazily created, to fraudulently close the case, pinning all the blame on Ivins.
Bruce Ivins
However, no one can verify the accuracy of said invented form of science, which ironically sent Ivins to an early grave, as the agency so harassed and terrorized him, in violation of the Constitution, believing their own illogical hunches, he fell apart and regrettably killed himself.
Another massive discrepancy in the FBI's case is, the timeline presented by the Bureau, made it humanly impossible for Ivins to have sent the anthrax at the time in question, from the mailbox the federal agency traced the spores back to, during their sloppy investigation. In short, the FBI stinks.
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FBI Anthrax Case Deteriorates Even More
Major Discrepancy In FBI Anthrax Case
Scientists Challenge The FBI In Anthrax Case
More Criticism Over The FBI Anthrax Case